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The Aquilo boy laid in his girlfriend's bed with her sleeping beside him. The two of them had been up for the better part of the night, talking and going through the things they had to get off their chests.

Hope had fallen asleep as the haze gray of early dawn crept into the room through the blinds, but the male had remained awake during the night, watching her sleep. She used to be a heavy sleeper but after years of unfortunate surprises and literal damnation for the Mikaelson family; she had learned to be on guard even in her sleep, which soon made her a light sleeper. She'd have to be completely drained of energy to not wake up at the slightest of sound.

Her warm body was snuggled against his side as the wild head of auburn hair rested on her boyfriend's chest, wisps of hair sticking to her cheeks and forehead. It was almost as if the tribrid was afraid of losing the wolf by the way her knee had slipped between his and the way her arm stretched across his chest in a hugging action to keep him there with her but it didn't bother him.

An hour passed and the wolf was still awake, his arm had fallen asleep after having it in the same position for hours and his neck was hurting but he had pushed himself up into a half-sitting half lying down position without waking his girlfriend up. He sat in silence, staring up at the wooden ceiling beams as his mind raced with thoughts of recent events and all the turmoil that had followed him after his parents' death.

He thought about his family— the family he once threatened to sell for a dollar because his mother refused to buy him the limited edition batman action figure he wanted for his tenth birthday. He remembered the fights he used to have with his parents about him wanting to hang out with his friends instead of doing his homework or attending family gatherings.

The worst memory Adrian had was of the day he earned himself the alabaster scar that went past his eye: he went with his parents to celebrate a cousin's birthday when he got into an argument with his parents and Gabriel had lured his grandson to step out with him for a walk intending to teach his grandson a lesson after he had disrespected his mother— the monarch of the family did so by cutting the boy with a straight razor but was generous enough to leave his eye. The grandfather then sent his eleven-year-old grandson home alone to come up with a believable lie that he would tell his parents, whether or not they believed him.

The werewolf was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Hope moving around in the bed, showing the first signs of waking up. The male looked down at his girlfriend, watching her as she rolled over with a groan and buried her face in the cold pillow she had replaced with her boyfriend. Her hand searched for the covers that she usually pulled over her head to fall asleep again, but they weren't there because she had kicked them off the bed in her sleep.

Slowly, after a disgusted sigh, the tribrid rolled over once again and opened her eyes. Adrian watched the stages as her eyes roamed the room. First came disinterest, then confusion, then sleepy understanding. Hope shifted her eyes to her boyfriend without moving her head, "You didn't sleep at all, did you?"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now