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The Aquilo siblings walked the hallways of the Salvatore Boarding school as the brother gave his sister a tour. They had just finished getting the girl an appropriate school attire that Adrian's girlfriend had left behind after her numerous sleepovers.

The school was seemingly empty as most students were off on a field trip to the Lewis Winter botanical garden in Richmond. Hope, Rafael, and Alaric had driven off to find Landon who had called his foster brother from another state in distress which left Emma as acting headmaster in charge. Josie and Lizzie had left for Europe to spend time with their mother.

The siblings went upstairs to the second floor as they conversed about where to find the best food in Virginia, since the sister had only been there for a day and a half she hadn't really gotten the chance to explore the town. The two entered a student lounge and sat down in two armchairs that faced the window, "This is the Ares lounge. It's the werewolves' private student lounge. All factions have one: the witches have the Aphrodite lounge and the vampires have the Atalanta lounge. They're obviously smaller than the Great room downstairs but they work"

Olivia hummed in response as she looked out at the garden through the window, "You're more talkative today"

The male nodded, no, he hadn't been very talkative the last two days and it was mostly because he didn't know what to say. He didn't know if he should apologize to his sister for leaving their home without checking on her, even if the police told him that his whole family had died. He cleared his throat, "So, uh, have you've seen everything you wanna see? We've only got a few minutes until class starts"

The girl nodded as she fiddled with the plaid skirt she wore. She glanced up at her brother, "I wanna see the secret spot where you guys throw parties" Olivia smiled, "I heard that there was going to be one tomorrow and I wanna go"

Adrian stifled a laugh, the thought of his little sister thinking that he'd take her to a party humoring him, "You're like fourteen"

"I'm sixteen" The human argued.

The school bell rang, interrupting the siblings. The students that occupied the Ares lounge gathered their things before they left for their respective classes. The alpha glanced back at the clock above the door and rose from his seat to go to class, "Tell you what, get through classes today and I might consider taking you to the party"


"I promise"

The son and daughter of Claudia and Marcus Aquilo walked down the hallways of the Salvatore school after meeting up once their morning classes were done. They walked in the direction of the most well-liked place in the entire school; the Grand Hall. Adrian slung his arm around his sister as they reached the open doorway into the Hall. The dining hall was crowded with students of all ages, shoving their way past each other to get food as everyone's favorite meals were served today, "You survived your first class but you have about three left until the day is over. For now, you have to survive the Jungle"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now