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The pic was from when I had just created a draft for this story. I needed something for chapter one and basically, Luke's a hòe in this story.


Luke Hemmings knew his life was no walk in the park.

His family struggled a lot to pay the bills, keep a roof over their head and raise three children.

His older siblings, Ben and Jack both received financial aid and managed to go to university leaving Luke home with his aging parents.

Luke was only 18. He had just graduated high school and he dreamed of being an ocean explorer. The deep blue held so many undiscovered wonders and Luke was absolutely fascinated by the marine life.

His plan was to major in marine biology in university and take some swimming and diving classes on the side. University alone was a great sum of money but added with the cost of buying expensive diving gear and paying for lessons, it made Luke cry because that was a sum of money he could never pay.

He thought he could get aid just like his brothers but his request was declined because apparently, his family already owed to much and Luke heard enough about student loans to know he might never be able to pay it back.

When his brothers moved out, his parents and him moved to a simple two bedroom home where the rent was much cheaper. His dad worked 60 hours a week at multiple jobs but Luke's mum couldn't work because she suffered from severe arthritis that prevented her from standing too long. Before, she used to wash clothes for the people in their old rental place but years of standing on her feet and scrubbing at a sink made her not able to do it again.

She did sometimes babysit for the neighbors since most kids were around 12 so it wasn't too much trouble.

Luke didn't know what to do with his life but he did know that he needed to make money somehow to make sure his parents where stable and that he'd still be able to attend university.

He looked for jobs but everyone denied him simply because all he had was high school grades, everyone was looking for degree holders or more.

Somehow, Luke scored a job at Burger King where he worked as a cashier. It was stressful and annoying but it was work and work meant money.

He spent countless nights in his room with his old beat up Dell laptop and outdated headphones where he'd look up stories about the seas and watch documentaries on it. The Internet was extremely slow and videos took forever to load and was always sticking because his family had the slowest wifi package because that was the cheapest. He got used to it though in the end.

On some nights, he didn't want to think of the ocean. He want release and happiness. He stumbled across this one website that if his parents know about, they'd crucify him.

It was a pórn site.

On said site was weekly uploads with a certain twenty three year old that Luke could never get enough of.

He was honey blonde with the prettiest hazel eyes that where mixed with little flecks of green. His body was that of a god, his biceps was strong and well developed and he had an impressive six pack. It was obvious he worked out, every part of him was fit unlike Luke who was scrawny, skinny and lanky.

He would hold the other boy down and thrust into him with such a force. He would tell the boy how bad he's been or how he was such a good little slut and Luke would be lying if he said he las is in his bed with a hand on his dičk imagining those sinful words being said to him.

Luke was scrolling through the site one night when he saw an advertisement.

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