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Ashton placed the roast turkey on the table before picking up the silverware to lay out. Luke was in the kitchen, taking the potato pie out of the oven and putting final garnishes. It was rather domestic of the two of them, cooking a fancy dinner for friends.

"Is it done princess?" Ashton called from the dining table

"Yeah. I'm just adding some parsley," Luke replied and Ashton's mouth watered. He couldn't wait to eat. Michael and Calum were supposed to arrive within the hour. He had already changed, putting on some black jeans and a long sleeve button up shirt. He bent down to select a bottle of wine from his massive collection when Luke walked in whistling.

"Oh you shush," Ashton said getting back up and placing a vintage bottle on the table.

"Can't resist my man when he bends like that," Luke replied placing the potato pie on the table and taking off his oven mitts. He rested his hand on his hips and looked at their hard work.

The wooden table was set with rouge table mats, fancy china, shining wine glasses and a gorgeous bouquet that Luke made from flowers in Ashton's back garden. The food was laid in the middle, spoons to the side for everyone to serve themselves. He smiled as he felt accomplished, satisfied with his work.

"Ugh I'm a mess," Luke commented looking down on his white stained shirt and flour dusted pants. "I better go change."

"Yeah babe, they'd be here soon," Ashton replied walking over to him and placing a kiss on his lips. Luke hummed in contentment as he placed his arms around Ashton.

He was at peace in his boyfriend's arm when all of a sudden, he felt fingers at his zipper.

"What?" Luke breathed in surprise but leaned closer to Ashton's touch as his pants was pulled down to his ankles.

"I think you deserve a treat for all this hard work," Ashton whispered into Luke's ear before biting the shell of ear.

Luke moaned as Ashton's hand traced the outline of his dîck through his navy blue boxers.

"Please," he whined gripping Ashton's shoulders.

"Good boy," Ashton said kissing up and down Luke's neck, leaving him breathless as his heart thundered in his chest. Ashton's hands began to pull at Luke's boxers, snapping the elastic around his waist. He whined in disappointment and begged his lover to do more.

"Please Daddy," Luke said in the voice that drives Ashton crazy. He yanked the last piece of clothing separating them down, and embraced Luke's còck with his hands. Luke threw his head against Ashton's shoulder, moaning already.

"Daddy," he whined closing his eyes as Ashton began to pump him, fast and rough, getting him semi hard. Luke could feel himself get close, he was extremely sensitive today since they did an orgaśm control scene yesterday and Luke didn't get to come.

Ashton sunk to his knees and took all of Luke's small length into his mouth, bobbing his head and rolling his tongue. Luke gripped the table behind him and let out a loud moañ as be became fully hard again.

"Fûck. Daddy!" Luke cried as Ashton began to fondle with his balls and kitten lick the tip of his dïck. Luke bit his pink lips and closed his eyes as his breath became shallow. Ashton moved his hands from his princess' balls and started to tug at the bottom of Luke's dïck, keeping his talented mouth at the tip. He smirked to himself as he watched Luke come undone in front of him. He knew his baby boy wouldn't last long, so he didn't want to torture him again after their scene yesterday.

He sucked hard on Luke's pretty little còck and Luke sobbed as his legs began to shake.

"May I come daddy?" The blond choked out and Ashton nodded his head as a way to say yes. Luke whined with the sudden movement of Ashton nodding his head and taking his daddy's permission, he came loud and hard in his mouth.

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