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"That's really nice," Calum remarked while he sat on Michael's brown leather couch.

"I know, that's a big hit with the actors," Mikey laughed. They were discussing the terms of Calum's contract with the company and some of the clauses that were favourable.

"I can imagine. Working here doesn't sound too bad. I mean when I hear porn I obviously love it but I don't know what kinda environment it is," Calum admitted causing the red haired man to hum.

"Yeah I get what you're saying. The porn industry can be dangerous. A lot of people, especially girls, are forced or trafficked into it. Sometimes people are raped or abused and it's horrible. We're creating entertainment, not promoting hate and harm," Mikey said with a solemn face.

"Yeah I read those articles too and it irks me. It makes me feel dirty in a way for liking the porn when I don't know what's happening behind screen," Calum added with a nod.

"I understand that. That's why when I started this company, I made sure our actors were treated with respect and felt comfortable with their scenes. I absolutely do not condone forcing them into a performance and I have a team that works with my beliefs. I want my boys and girls to feel comfortable embracing their sexy side, not ashamed or lonely," Mikey said looking directly into Calum's deep brown eyes with conviction.

"I respect that. I won't wanna enter this industry and end up an addict or lonely or abused you know," Calum said moving closer to the red head man.

"And I can safely say I try my best to not let my stars reach that point. I want to do what I can to change the industry and make it better," Mikey elaborated biting his lip and looking down as he felt the tanned man move closer to him.

"I really appreciate that. I'm excited to start," Calum beamed placing his hand on Michael's thigh causing the older man's breath to hitch.

"Forgive me for being forward," Calum whispered rubbing this thumb in circles over Mikey's black jeans.

"Why don't you be a little more forward and kiss me," Michael caught himself saying with a blush. The apartment they were in was dead silent, the only sound being the air condition in the background but that was nothing compared to the thundering heart in Mikey's chest. He'd never felt this way about a man, he'd never gotten these butterflies and icing chills since high school.

Without a word, Calum leaned in, keeping one hand on his thigh and moving the other to his cheek to gently caress it. Mikey tilted into the tanned boy's touch and licked his lips at the feeling of his warm fingers on his soft skin.

Calum gently pressed his lips onto Michael's and it felt natural. It felt right and both boys knew instantly this was something they wanted to do for the rest of their lives.

That kiss was simply the best kiss Calum and Mikey had ever had.


"So how did it go with Calum?" Ashton asked as he fiddled with some random pens on Miley's desk.

"Pretty good," the red head smiled while sorting through some paperwork.

"That's nice. He seems like a nice kid," Ashton said uncapping a red ink pen over and over.

"He sure does," Michael snorted

"So that's all? No details about your date?" Ashton persisted

"I'm not sure why I owe you that information Ashton," Mikey said pointedly looking at the honey blond with raised eyebrows.

"C'mon Mike, I've been working here a long time and we both know we aren't just employee and boss," Ashton explained

"Ash," Mikey sighed not wanting to get into this while Ashton was getting frustrated. He wanted to know if his plan with Luke worked. He was just anxious to be out with his baby boy, free from any secrets and lies.

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