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Where do you take your crush? That's a question Ashton has been asking himself ever since he asked Luke out a little over a week ago. Luke's sick leave is almost over and he'll be reporting to work very soon but Ashton wanted to take him on their date before they both got busy schedules.

Ashton debated going classic and getting some fast food and then the movies but then he thought that was too overdone. He also thought about taking Luke on a diving expedition but then realized that it would involve himself getting into the ocean and diving which could end terribly wrong. Mainly because Ashton doesn't have diving certification and has never dived before and also a bit because of his immense fear of sharks and squids.

Then he figured he could be thoughtful to Luke, it's obvious the blond boy doesn't have much exposure to the finer things in life but Ashton didn't want to go all out and make him feel awkward in some fancy restaurant with overrated food.

He figured Luke likes simple and nice things, so he worked his best with that. Luke did mention however that he loved fresh flowers and Ashton was determined to not be cliche and buy roses. Instead he bought some pretty daisies that were Luke in flower form, delicate and soft yet so beautiful and stunning.

He cleared his throat and tried his best to look relaxed as Luke approached his car door and opened it. They agreed to meet outside of the coffee shop across from work.

"Hello," Luke greeted with a warm smile as he sat down in the passenger seat.

"Hey," Ashton said casually or trying his best to sound casual. He couldn't remember the last time he was on a date, he'd forgotten what the nerves felt like.

"Relax Ash, it's only me. Just me and you for the night. I'm so excited," Luke said softly as if he could sense that Ashton needed to hear those words. For emphasis, Luke reached across and gently squeezed Ashton's thigh and just like that, Ashton's heat raced from Luke's touch but in some magical way, he felt at ease and calm.

Luke was right, it was just him. There was no need to be nervous, they're going to have a great time.

He was wearing a simple pair a black skin tight jeans and a white polo that showed off his arms  really well and Luke would be lying to himself if he said he didn't stare at Ashton  too much the last five minutes.

Luke was dressed quite similar, Ashton said to wear his casual clothes so Luke complied. He wore his favorite pair of black jeans with his cleanest, fanciest and nicest black shirt. He topped it off with his beat up converse.

They got into Ashton's car with sweaty palms and quiet minds. None of them knew exactly what to think about the upcoming time they'd spend together, but they were obviously both very very excited. Luke felt as if he was on cloud nine, he has dreamed about going on a date with the man next to him for months now and it's finally happening. Luke is actually going on a date with his crush.

Ashton couldn't be anymore excited either but he was a bit nervous. His last date has been a while ago.

"So how was traffic?" Luke asked

Ashton snorted, "Are you really asking me how traffic was?"

"Hey don't laugh at me!" Luke said with a smile on his face

"I'm not laughing princess. Just can't believe that's your opener," Ashton said with the fondest and biggest smile on his face.

"Listen. Just shush and tell me how the traffic was sexy boy," Luke said causing the both of them to burst out laughing. Just like that, the silence between them was broken and they continued in light conversation.

"We're here," Ashton said parking.

"Where are we?"

"You don't know?" Ashton teased

"Oh my Ash, this is the rodeo isn't it?" Luke asked sarcastically

"Luke how did you know?" Ashton said playing along

"It's like my superpower," Luke replied

"Oh so your superpower is knowing surprises?" Ashton asked amused.

"It's a good power!" Luke defended laughing at himself

"Yeah sure, I would prefer something more like flying or reading minds," Ashton said and Luke hummed.

"You ready to go?" Ashton asked

"Yeah sure," Luke said opening the car door and Ashton followed suit.

"But seriously where are we?" Luke asked again still confused. Ashton shot him a sweet smile before answering, "At the beach."

"But I don't know this beach?" Luke said confused

"Well it's sort of like a hidden beach. I used to come here with my friends a while ago," Ashton said.

"Oh okay. I knew I was smelling saltwater," Luke giggled.

"C'mon it's like a 10 minute walk down to the sand," Ashton said opening the trunk.

"Okay. If I had known I would have put on my bathing suit," Luke said taking the grocery bag Ashton handed him from the trunk.

"That's okay. Boxers work just fine," Ashton said locking the car. At that sentence, Luke blushed and made eye contact with his date.

"Fuck," Ashton said with wide eyes.

"Yeah," Luke said rocking back and forth on his heels.

"You're wearing panties?" Ashton asked whispering.

"Yeah. I didn't know," Luke answered.

"That's so hot."

Luke giggled, "Guess we'd just skinny dip."

So I'm sorry I haven't update in how ever long, life was hectic you know? I just needed a break, to focus on myself.

But don't panic too much, I'm here with weekly updates just like it was before. Ashton and Luke's story is just beginning, I'm sooo excited to share itttt and I hope you guys love it too.

Thanks for reading and lots of love for my commenters and voters💖

-Byeee 💕💕

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