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Ashton and Luke's hands were intertwined while they sat on the couch looking at the news. Ashton's thumb was gently rubbing over Luke's soft skin in a soothing way. Luke loved it.

They sat cuddled into each other, their legs on the coffee table. Their empty dinner plates were on the table in front of them, forgotten as the two men lost themselves in the headlines.

Luke's head was on Ashton's comforting shoulder and he pressed little kisses every now and then that made the honey blond giggle. Luke was quite fond of Ashton's giggle. It was one of the sweetest sounds he's ever heard. He didn't think a man like Ashton would produce such a cute sound, but this man was full of surprises. Luke's man was full of surprises and love.

Love was a strange feeling for the two of them. A feeling of a heart swelling with pride and joy when seeing their other half. A feeling of coldness when they're apart. A feeling where when something happens, good or bad, they couldn't wait to share it with each other. A feeling that was comforting and made them feel so secure with one another. A feeling that was happiness.

Ashton never thought he'd find love. He closed the door on it since he was a teenager. After betraying his family and deciding to not go down a traditional career route, they'd shut him out. He didn't mind, he didn't think he ever shared something a sacred as Love with his family. Perhaps, all there was was mutual care. He left his home with no regrets, going to live a life he wanted, not one others wished for him.

He didn't think doing porn was anything to be ashamed of. It was a business and all businesses needed employees. He loved putting on a performance, the ability to make strangers all around the world fall for him and his actions. He loved being a starlet at the center of attention. The huge paycheck that came with it too wasn't anything to complain about. If Ashton was honest, lust for performing and money drove him to being a pornstar.

That was the only form of love Ashton had ever known. Love for his job. He didn't think he could ever find something as tender as love for another person, he couldn't see himself being romantic. Yet here he was, sitting on his couch on a Saturday night, holding the most delicate and prettiest boy in this galaxy in his arms. He couldn't believe how lucky he was.

He couldn't believe he was in love.

Luke always knew love. As poor as his family was, love was something they were rich in. He grew up surrounded by it, all his flaws and insecurities were always met with love. At least,  until last week they were, after that day, he was met with anger and hate, rejections from his own brothers.

Luke sighed and frowned at the thought. It's been a week. He thought he would've heard something by now. His parents said to wait it out, how his brother can be sensitive and stubborn. His mum said they'd come around because they love him. Luke clearly thought otherwise. They don't love him anymore and they never could. They think he's some freak or disgusting person because he loves who he loves. He hates that other people, even his own family could belittle him and make him so ashamed of himself, something he can't and won't change.

Ben and Jack left for college without as much as a glance at Luke. Luke cried for days, sobbing about his loss of love. He didn't know his heart could hurt so much in a bad way.

"Don't think about it angel," Ashton's consoling  voice said.

"That's almost impossible," Luke replied.

Ashton sighed, "I'm sure it is but Luke, they made their decision, you can't change it."

"I wish I could. I don't see how this is so bad. I'm gay not a murderer," Luke complained.

"I know that," Ashton giggled. Oh, there was that giggle again. It couldn't help but make Luke smile too, even in his confusion and hurt.

"It just sucks you know. We're brothers. We grew up together, did everything together. They were like my heroes. Now they hate me," Luke said sadly.

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