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"Hey Ash."

"What do you want?" Ashton grumpily asked Michael who interrupted his evening nap.

''Just calling to let you know your shoot with Luke would be 3 in the afternoon on Wednesday."

"Nice. I can't wait, Mike. He's gonna be a natural, make lots of money," Ashton commented making Michael snort.

"Your obsession with money would kill you Ashton. Anyways I'm sure Luke will be but only time will tell. We'll know by tonight."

"Wait, what?" Ashton asked confused sitting up on his bed.

"He asked for quick money. Paired him up with Jones for a session."

"You can't do that," Ashton said immediately.

"I can. I'm the boss."

"No!" Ashton yelled into the phone before whispering a chorus of 'no's to himself while he got out of bed.

"Ash? Are you okay?"

"Tell him he can't do quick cash," Ashton demanded while putting his phone on speaker and resting it on the bed so he can pull his black skinny jeans on.

"I can't do that. Luke requested it and it's my job to give it to him."

"But he's supposed to do his first scene with me! What if Jones hurts him or something?" Ashton asked

He couldn't let Luke do this scene. Not at all.

What if viewers would like Luke more with Jones than with Ashton? That means Luke will get reassigned to Jones' partner.

Or what if Luke's injured by Jones? He doesn't have the list like Ashton does, he won't know what Luke likes and hates.

Part of Ashton told him he's being foolish. Why should the safety of some blond twink affect him? But this was Luke. He's innocent and new to this business, anything could happen.

If Luke gets hurt then he might quit or he won't be able to shoot with Ashton until he heals.

Besides, Ashton spent all week training and grooming Luke to be the perfect partner, who is this Jones to throw away all of his hard work? Luke is trained to please Ashton, Ashton crafted Luke to do many of the things he likes.

This was all career related, Ashton thought. He's only getting mad because Luke is meant to work with him and get him more viewers and money so working with Jones could jeopardize that.

After all Luke means nothing to Ashton, not a thing.


"Luke!" The blonde heard his name being called as a curly haired man entered his makeshift dressing room.

"Ashton?" Luke asked confused as to why he as here.

"Obviously," Ashton panted trying to crash his breath from running down the hall to the room.

"You don't have to be an ass, I was just asking," Luke said rolling his eyes. Sometimes Ashton could really be annoying. But Luke still liked him.

"Right sorry. Whatever, I'm not here for that," Ashton said fumbling with his words.

"Then why are you here?" Luke asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Um don't do quick cash," Ashton said.

"What? Why?" Luke asked standing up from the couch he was seated on.


"That's not good enough Ashton," Luke huffed crossing his arms in anger and Ashton really tried not to focus on how doing that made Luke's muscles on his arms look really good.

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