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Ashton looked in the mirror and he wanted to kill himself, his eyes were literally filled with so much happiness and fondness and adoration. He had heart eyes.

Heart eyes for Luke Hemmings. He had no idea when this happened or how it happened but it did. It was like someone rubbed something in him that made him like Luke.

Or maybe it was Luke himself with his beautiful baby blue eyes, his cute nose and his strong jawline together with his defined collar bones and his back muscles that contrasted with the little flab of tummy he was sporting and his nice smooth legs and thighs, but most definitely his round ass that was perhaps the best ass Ashton ever saw.

It was so pale and spankable, so smooth and jiggly when he touched it.

And then the whole personality of Luke was another factor. He was so kind, always offering to help Ashton and increasingly sweet, never once complaining. He was also funny and had the cutest laugh. He also was nice enough to laugh at Ashton's lame jokes.

He had every characteristic that Ashton wanted to steer clear off because Luke was slowly becoming the perfect guy Ashton could think of. The more Ashton spent time with Luke, the more he falls.

It's been a couple months, two exactly, since Luke and Ashton claimed the title of 'most watched video' and they were both pretty content.

They were making videos every Wednesday as planned and although none of those videos quite matched the view record of their first one, they still pulled an impressive amount of views.

Luke was rapidly becoming one of the most famous and requested stars at the studio.

Speaking of the blonde, he was pretty content with life. He was a great well paying job and his crush was warming up to him.

Ashton was being more flirty and always smiling around Luke.

"You are the best," Ashton smirked as he walked into their dressing room.

"You're just saying that because I walked all the way down to hall to get us water," Luke replied with a small smile as he tossed Ashton a bottle of water and closed the door behind him.

They had just finished filming, the two of them in their boxers.

"That and because you're great in bed," Ashton said causing Luke's jaw to drop in embarrassment and he slapped Ashton's chest lightly.

"You can't just say those things!" Luke protested but he secretly loved the compliments.

"Sure I can," Ashton laughed enjoying Luke squirming and blushing.

"That's not-"

"Sorry for interrupting but Mr. Clifford wants to see Luke," a blonde girl, Dana, said after knocking on the door and poking her head in causing Luke to stop mid sentence.

"Okay. I'll be right there," Luke said as watched her leave the room.

"What's that about?" Ashton asked confused.

"I don't know. But I should ho find out," Luke said shooting his infamous smile to Ashton.

"Okay, bye I guess," Ashton said awkwardly.

"Bye," Luke replied before shuffling out of the room. He wanted to say so much more, the way he left the room he felt as if there was tension. He wanted to say those three words to Ashton as he left, he was simply infatuated with the older man so much that he was being hung to develop real feelings for him.

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