chap 1 。

233 18 5

just think that you're Eli, our girl main character {^^}


The smell of bacon woke me up, ahhhhhh I really love the smell of bacon. I got up from my bed and went over the mirror to look at myself.

"Eww." I whispered to myself. Is this really me?? My hair is so tangled, I got dried saliva near my mouth and what do you even call these.. uhm, eye boogers? Yeah, I got eye boogers.

I hurriedly went to the bathroom and washed my face. I used the soap that my dermatologist recommended to prevent my acnes or pimples on breaking out. I also gargled water so that I can get rid of my breath's unpleasant smell.

It's always my habit to look at myself the moment I wake up but this is the first time that I looked so horrible and my breath stank. Well, I guess that's what I get for not brushing my teeth before I slept yesterday. Well it's not my fault that I was so tired yesterday that I forgot to took care of my personal hygiene.

Well.. maybe it is my fault.

So anyway, after making sure that I'm presentable, I hurriedly went downstairs so that I can eat breakfast.

"Where's my bacon?" I asked while smiling brighter than usual recalling the smell of bacon that woke me up.

"Oh, good morning, Eli dear."

"Mrs. Jeon, I didn't noticed you. Good morning." I greeted and bowed to our neighbor Mrs. Jeon. It's normal for me to see her here mainly because she's not only just our neighbor, she's also my Mom's close friend.

Mrs. Jeon just smiled at me. I really love it when she smiles even though she said that she doesn't like her own smile.

"Good morning Mom." I greeted my Mom and hugged her. "Now, where's my bacon?" I asked as I peeked to what she's currently cooking. She's currently frying eggs.

"Well, because you woke up late, Wonwoo here ate all the bacon." My Mom said as she laughed and patted Wonwoo's head.

Wait, what??

Oh, Wonwoo's here. I didn't notice him. I looked at him showing my most pissed face ever mainly because he ate all the bacons, he's so self centered, not thinking about others ugh. I even rolled my eyes at him and he just stuck out his tongue while currently eating toasted bread.

Our moms just laughed at us and continued talking about the current hit drama that they're watching while my Mom is frying eggs and Mrs. Jeon is helping her.

I just sat across Wonwoo, he's still eating. Ugh, he's so annoying.

I just ate cereal because thanks to Wonwoo, there's no bacon left. I continued eating and ignored Wonwoo because he's giving me an annoying look. I just rolled my eyes at him. Again.

As I was eating I got thirsty so I went to the fridge to get cold water. I got the pitcher and put it on the table while I get a cup from the cupboard. Once I got the cup, I immediately filled it with water and drank like a thirsty camel. Wonwoo just looked at me in total disgust and then started laughing. He's laughing like crazy.

Doesn't he know that I can see chewed bread in his mouth, ugh this boy really is disgusting. I don't even know the reason why he is laughing. Our moms just ignored him and just continued on talking about the drama.

"HAHAHahAHaHAH, ELI YOU HAHAHAHaHAhAHAH LOOK HAaHAHAhAHAH LIKE A HAHAHAHAHH" He said while laughing obnoxiously, he can't even finish his sentence because of his laugh.

"I look like a what?" I asked him with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"YOU LOOK HAHAHAHAHAH LIKE A HAHAHAHAHAHAHH -- BLFJHJGHF" He suddenly coughed like there's no tomorrow, I think he choked while laughing.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him while he's still coughing. He didn't answer me and he just got the pitcher of water and drank straight from there.

Doesn't he even know how to use a cup ??????

Once he was finish drinking he placed the pitcher back on the table. Gosh, I can see chunks of bread that was probably from his mouth floating on the water in the pitcher!

This boy, really- arghhhhhh!!


i know, you can already guess what's going to happen and it's too cliché, i'm sorry for that. ㅠㅠ i may change the storyline though, who knows ;) lmao, just kidding. sorry if it doesn't match wonwoo's personality (i guess lol) and also i'm sorry if it's poorly written, pls tell me what you think. don't forget to vote and comment, thank you !!

much love,

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