Chapter 26

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Astrid's POV

A few days passed, we haven't done anything yet. Stupid I know right but we're being cautious, we needed them to believe we were still searching for him. But as of right now it wasn't quite working out for us.

It was a good day but everyone was avoiding each other, especially with the bombshell about Hiccup they didn't like the fact I kept it from them. I don't blame them, but it was his choice. I gather everyone to talk about what we are gonna do. But no one wanted to talk except from Jack.

"HEYYYYYY!" He shouted at the top of his lungs while smashing his staff down to the ground creating ice below everyone's feet making them stumble over. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Merida shouted at him. "Listen okay I know what Astrid did was wrong but listen we need to get Hiccup back and not talking ain't helping him so come on and let's just get over it and create a plan. Who knows what he is facing right now?"

WOW who knew Jack had a voice like that? Everyone looked at each other with concerned looks across their faces. They soon relaxed and all nodded their heads and scrapped the anger from their face to happiness with a bit of sadness along with it. "Thanks," Jack sighed and unfroze the ground.

We were in the guest house about to talk about what we were going to do when we get "MESSAGE, PAINFUL MESSAGE, PAINFUL MESSAGE!" It was Snotlout running in a piece of parchment attached to his arm. He came closer and fell to the floor in pain. Well over exaggerating pain in my opinion.

I ripped the message from his arm and he cried "Oww maybe a bit gentler next time Astrid," I just scoffed at him. I scanned through the message. Oh no, oh no, oh no, I was stuttering to myself. "Astrid what's wrong?" Rapunzel asked me. I passed the message and her glow turned to dark. Her smile faded as she read:

"We know.......that you know.......that we have him........if you want him back........COME GET HIM!.......or if you don't........we'll kill him........since he is no use to us.............see you soon

Pitch Black

"That's just answers the plan then doesn't it?" I speak. Everyone faced me while I carried on "We go take him back," everyone scans everyone's expressions then Elsa pips up and asks "But how?" I smiled at her. "I never thought I would say it because it never works, but it's our only choice........Force!"

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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