Chapter 32

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Jack's POV

We headed to Dunbroch to be engrossed with trees, trees and more trees. Gosh what is this place tree mania? Until I spotted the medieval castle up ahead but we headed away from the beautiful site and invaded the jungle of misery. I say that because as we got deeper and deeper it was getter darker and darker. "Merida do you know where you're going?" I called out from the back of the crowd. She shouted back at me "Course I do Frost I think I know this forest pretty well since I live here don't you," gosh she didn't have to be so harsh about it.

We were wandering for a while and my back was starting to ache in pain "Hey can we rest a bit I'm getting tired," I begged to everyone. I heard them all groan until Elsa said "Jack you're always tired so no now keep moving," I moaned and carried on walking. The view started to become clearer and light began to appear in front of us. When we out of the trees gazing in front of us was this old thatched cottage with moss covering the roof, flowers covering the base and windows. It was beautiful cottage I've ever seen.

Merida went up to the door and allowed herself inside while the others followed in with me a bit unsure behind. A bell ringed as we entered, but no one was in there just this old looking bear shaped novelties. They didn't match the beauty outside which was disappointing but who cares were not here for the beauty were here for help. But it was like I said no one was in here. Merida was scanning the room trying to find her I guess while the others were examining the products within the shop. What did they find so fascinating about this junk?

"Look around tell me if you see anything you like everything is half off," we all twirled around to see this old women sweeping away the carvings off the floor. "Ah there you are!" Merida scared the women out of her wits. She looked Merida up and down squeezed her eyes shut while thinking I except the they opened wide with joy and cried "Lass your back what brings you this time?" Merida sighed and replied "Well you see it's my friend, he's been hurt with dark magic which runs through his veins and if not healed from unconsciousness he will.....well he will die."

She was nodding through the process carefully and replied "And you want a spell for me to fix that," Merida and all the others nodded except me. "But lass do you remember what happened last time, with your mother," she whispered the last part thinking we wouldn't know what happened. Merida sighed and nodded "But this is important," She pleaded. The witch nodded showing she understood. "Hold on a minute there is always a price, her mother turned into a bear, what's the price with this spell?" I stepped up and asked.

Everyone's heads perked in unison showing they forgot about all that one little important aspect. The witch laughed and replied "Smart boy almost forgot about that as well," she laughed again while walking away from me. "So what is it?" I urged on. She turned back to face me and answered "If you give him this potion, to save his life then he will return but the price paid is that he will remember you but only the bad parts he always remembered you by and his personality will never be the same again. So if he was kind and gentle he will no longer be like that but the opposite arrogant, selfish, no longer in caring nature the same vice versa."

I stumbled backward tumbling over one of the tatty bear pots. Everyone's expression's were shocked, humiliated anything you can think off. My face was anger and annoyance. "No," everyone looked over at me "We're not doing it you can forget it," Elsa and Anna sighed in disgust Merida argued "But it's the only option we have," I was about to argue back but it wasn't me who spoke "No Jack's right we're not doing it, do you really want him coming back remembering us in all the bad ways, no I don't think so." All their heads lowered in shame "Thanks for the offer witch but the answer is no, let's go guys." I said and we left the thatched cottage.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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