Chapter 2

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 Lucy perspective

Natsu dragged me out to a courtyard. It had giant oak trees that groups of students sat under to eat. He took me out toward a group sitting under a tree that I presumed to be the largest. 

"Hey guys, " he shouted.  all of them looked up. He gestured to me. "this is Lucy." The group simultaneously nodded and mumbled hellos. He turned to me.

 "Lucy theses are my friends, This is Levy and Gajeel... " he points towards a tiny bluenette sitting in the lap of a black haired giant of a guy, Reading a book. The girl, who I'm guessing is Levy, politely waved. The guy, Gajeel, just smirked and nodded he was playing with Levy's hair which she had pulled back with a bright orange head band.

".....Erza, who is also the class president....." Natsu pointed to a redhead sitting next to the couple. She was tall and looked at you as if she was a hungry tiger and you were a big juicy steak.

"Hello" She had a rich, deep that seemed calm. she smiled at me which made her look more friendly and less intimidating. I smiled back.

".......Juvia......" this time he gestures to another blue haired girl who was clinging onto a really good looking boy who was trying to eat his lunch but was failing miserably due to the girl who had a tight grip on his left arm. She glared at me and muttered something to the effect of "love rival" , before getting A stronger hold on the boy who dropped the sandwich he was trying to eat.

"Juvia do you mind" The boy stated more than asked, he seemed annoyed as he tried to push her off of him.

"And...Gray" Natsu finished in a melitone voice like daggers, glaring at the currently, struggling black haired boy.

"Hey, Natsu looks like you finally made a friend, wait till she realizes what a dork you are," Grey yells at Natsu finally getting Juvia off of him. Juvia pouted and tried to grab for Gray again. He simply scooted out of her reach.

"Like you have room to talk, Elsa, all you've got is a clingy girlfriend," Natsu remarked glancing at Juvia. This caused Gray to look angry, He looked good when he was angry, then again I'm sure he looks good with any expression. No wonder Juvia clings to him.

"You wanna go, flame brain" Gray shouted, standing up

"Your SO on" Natsu attacked Gray and they began to wrestle, Throwing punches and kicking each other. 

I began to get nervous, "shouldn't we stop them?" I asked the remaining members of the group who were ignoring the fight.

"Nah they do this all the time" Levy brushed off picking up a book. Everyone else was occupied with their own lunches. I sat down I tried to ignore the fight. I pulled out my own lunch, but before I even got one bite I was stopped short by a disturbing sight.

"GRAY YOUR CLOTHES!!!!!!!!" Everyone looked up to see Gray and Natsu stop fighting. But Gray was striped down to his boxers. Gray looked down.

"When did that happen?" Gray asked oblivious to the fact that most of the court was now staring at his mostly naked body.

"Gray....." Erza stood up  Walking in Gray's direction. "How many times do I have to tell you to keep your clothes on." Gray gulped and began to run like he had just seen a ghost. Erza sprinted after him.

"He does this often?" I asked concerned for the guy's sanity. 

"Meh-hmm" Gajeel confirmed. He took a bite out of what looked like a sheet of metal. Guess this guy wasn't all right in the head either.  I also noticed that Juvia was in the bushes watching Gray and muttering something under her breath. 

Oh lord is anyone in this group sane!??

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