Chapter 5

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Lucy pov

Thinking about it, that was an idiot move. I finally made a friend and now he must think I'm some sort of psychopath. Then he would probably tell everyone else at school and I would be a loner forever. GREAT. Natsu was still a little dumbstruck by time we reached my house. We hadn't spoken since the little encounter earlier. He didn't look like he wanted to talk to me.

"Thank you for walking me home" I said

"Not like it was really necessary but your welcome" He shrugged and strutted off. He suddenly turned around and flashed a big grin and waved. Maybe things would be ok. It felt as if my heart began to run a race. It felt like forever before I smiled and waved back. I watched him retreat into the shadows before I pulled out my house key and let myself in. My house wasn't big so it felt super small with all the boxes. I had only unpacked the things i had needed for today. I climbed over a couple of boxes and made my way to my bedroom. I looked around my room and my eyes landed on the bed. I suddenly felt super tired. I lied down and instantly fell asleep.



I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off. I had fallen asleep so quickly last night that I had forgotten to set my alarm. I grabbed my uniform and slipped it on and quickly pulled my hair into a tight ponytail. I grabbed my bag and took a quick look in the mirror. I looked a wreck but it would have to do. I literally ran out the door and off to School It was a 20 minute walk so I had to sprint it took me about 10 but I got there just before the first bell. I began to run in the direction of my locker. I turned the corner and ran into someone. My backpack flew open and all my stuff when all over the room.

"Ow watch where you're going" I grumbled and looked up I was shocked

"Well I'm sorry" Natsu said sarcastically. I sat in silence. Oops! He picked him self up and offered his hand to me. I took it and he helped me up.

"Thanks" I began to pick my stuff up. He crouched down and helped.

"No sweat" He handed me the things he had picked up. "I was actually looking for you. I had to ask you something." He looked a little nervous.


"Um...Next week is the Magnolia annual fair and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to see the rainbow cherry blossoms." He held up two tickets. I was stunned. The Magnolia Rainbow Cherry Blossoms are well known. Considering there only in full bloom for one night a year, people wait all year to see them. You even had to get special tickets to go in the orchard.

"How did you get tickets? And why are you inviting ME?" I asked. He looked away.

"My aunt works at the center that takes care of the trees. She's gone every year since...Forever so she gave me the tickets for me to take myself and a friend. And I figured it be a kind of "Welcome to Magnolia" gift from do you want to go."

"YES YES YES" I jumped up and down. I can't believe he is for real. I gave him a big hug before I realized how awkward it was and I backed away. Natsu was bright red.

"Sorry" I blushed too. He smiled

"It's cool so I'll text... I don't have your number" I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him and he handed me his. I quickly typed the number into his phone. He had a ton of contacts I literally had one, now two. I handed back his phone and he gave back mine.

"So it's a date?" he turned red when he said that. "Not quite what I meant.............but you get the idea." I felt my face getting hot


"RRIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG" The bell went off. I jumped. Now I was REALLY going to be late.

"K well I got to go" I ran off I think Natsu said something but I was gone before I Heard it.


It was a slow 6th day of my public schooling experience. Math class felt like it lasted a life time, especially since lunch was next. Thankfully Natsu did not think I was that much of a creep so he didn't tell his friends about the incident so I sat with them at lunch. I had become the best of friends with the girl Levy. She was so nice the only bad thing is she majorly ships me and Natsu.

When the bell finally rang, I grabbed my stuff and bolted out of there. I dumped my stuff in my locker and slammed it shut. Natsu was right there on the other side of my locker door. I let out a little shrieked which caused him to chuckle

"Hey Lucy" He smiled.

"What was that for?" I placed my hands on my hips.

"Nothing, oh I forgot to mention me and the gang are going to study during lunch, want to join us?" He asked.

"nah I've got nothing to study" I shrugged, it was the truth. Since I just started I don't have to take tests for a while. He looked disappointed.

"Oh ok, well I've got to go see ya" He walked away.

"Ka, see ya" I called.


I had lunch in hand and I had spotted the big oak we usually sat under ,when I realized I'd be all alone at lunch. I guess I was ok for just one day. I plopped down against the oak and picked up the greasy piece of pizza off my tray. Not even a bit in someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and a hot black haired boy smiled down at me.

"You sitting alone, may I join you?" He asked

"Sure. Your Gray right?" I asked. He smiled and nodded He had a seat next to me

"So where's fire breath?" I must of gave him a strange look cause he explained, "Natsu"

"Oh he went to study with everyone else." I shrugged

"Oh, yeah...Juvia tried to convince me to go to but I made an excuse to opt out." I laughed for no apparent reason.

"Is she like obsessed with you or something." I asked jokingly

"Yeah she's been trying to get me to be her boyfriend since she moved here last year." He laughed

"Why did you move here?" he asked, obviously changing the subject.

"Oh, I decided to give my father some space." I looked away. "My mother died and he hasn't acted the same since" I sighed when I looked back at him his smile had disappeared.

"I know how you feel, my parents died when I was 4." He looked at the ground. I instinctively placed my hand on his. He looked up, surprised.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea." I squeezed his hand.

"Yeah" His smiled returned. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I blushed. I finally had a good look at him. He was really hot. He aced the just out of bed look. His eyes were as Grey (Ha...ha) as a spring storm. And his smile... his smile made you melts.

I think I might like this guy.


Natsu pov.

I will kill Gray.

I felt bad for leaving Lucy alone so. I left studding early to finish lunch with her but when I found her she was flirting with that devil, Gray. He is so dead.

The only thing I can't understand is

Why am I so Jealous?



(Sarcasm) Bet you didn't see that coming


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