Chapter 1

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"Lucy Heartfeila, correct?" A petite woman asked me. A small name tag informed me her name was Mrs. Aries. She had her pink hair that was straight till the ends where it puffed out like small clouds. She looked away from the computer and at me. I smiled at her and nodded. She went back to typing. I twirled a piece of my golden hair through my fingers. The first day of anything is nerve wrecking especially school.

"Your father is Jude, no mother, yes?" she asked redirecting my attention. I sighed and slowly nodded. I'm not on good terms with my father hence why I applied for FairyTailAcademy. My mother died when I was 4, ever seen my father had been a greedy, selfish man who stayed in his office for days at a time. I begged him to let me go here which obviously paid off. I guess it also helped that I was always "in his way"

"OK, your all set," she handed me a piece of paper with my schedule on it. I looked over the schedule, only 9 periods including lunch. I looked at which room was the room I had homeroom in then it donned on me.

"Um, I don't know where any of my classes are" I stammered looking up at Mrs. Aries.

"Oh, yes I forgot, give me a moment." She picked the receiver up off her desk and called someone.

"Yes, would you please send a class representative to show the new student around......Thank you." she hung up

"Someone will be down to show you around in a minute" I nodded again. We sat there in a peaceful silence for a few minutes till finally, the office door opened. In the doorway was a pink haired boy. He was a mess in a cute sort of way. His uniform was wrinkled and messy, his hair was askew and his bag had papers hanging out. He attempted to straighten out his outfit and hair with no luck.

"Natsu, what can I do for you?" Mrs. Aries asked politely.

"Mr. Leo sent me" he shrugged "Something about representative"

Mrs. Aries eyes went wide. "He sent you?" Mrs. Aries looked very worried.

"Yeah guess he was tired of me and Gray fighting during class" he shrugged it off as if it were an everyday occurrence.

"Fine," Mrs. Aries said unsure "this is Lucy" she gestured to me. "This is her first day, please show her around."

The boy, Natsu turns to me "Hey, I'm Natsu nice to meet you" he held out his hand and plastered a smile on his face. He was kind of cute.

"Hi, I'm Lucy" I grabbed and shook his hand and returned the smile.

"Well, we don't have all day let's go" He tightened his grip on my hand and dragged me out of the office. As we were leaving I looked at Mrs. Aries who mouthed.


Natsu prospective

I dragged poor Lucy out of the office and into the front hall. I couldn't tell if she was traumatized or just surprised. I stopped and realized two things, one had no idea what classes she had and two I had barely just met her and I was now dragging her down the hall like a ragdoll, so I let her go.

"Welcome to the one and only, Fairy Tail Academy" I plastered a wide smile on my face. She looked stunned, but then smiled back.

I'm usually not the one to do things like, showing the new kid around school, but I guess we had ticked off Prof. Loki enough to put me in this situation. My day had started out pretty normal, I walked into class. Gray, my worst enemy, showed up, said something stupid, so we fought till the class president, Erza, saw us and tried to murdering us for being a disruption to the school. Prof. Loki looked like he wanted to rip his hair out when he finally showed up and a chair barely missed his head, Thankfully before he could yell at us he got a call from the office and, out of anger, sent me down to show this Luigi character around.

I extended my hand asking for her schedule. She looked confused then I pointed at it.

"Your schedule" I elaborated. She quickly handed it over the schedule and I looked it over. She had most of her classes with me, except for English and Math but she had English with my friend, Levy, and Math with my other friend, Juvia.

"Well lets just start with finding your homeroom" I began down a hallway. I just wanted to get done with this and on top of that I had long strides so she had to jog to keep up.

She barely had time before we showed up at Mr. Cancer's Classroom, her homeroom. By then she was red in the face and panting. She took a deep breath and stood up smoothing out her ruffled skirt and she tucked a piece of blond hair behind her ear and smiled at me as if she was waiting for me to continue. My heart jumped to my throat.

She was cute. Natsu what are you thinking! You just met her. I shook my head as if shaking out the thought. Keep yourself together.


We finally got to her last class. By then we were both ready to drop over dead of exhaustion. We had finally gotten to all her classes and almost been run over between periods. I had also shown her the cafeteria and the library, (Cause, like Levy, she apparently loved to read). My stomach rumbled and she giggled between breaths.

"Hungry?" she asked pointing at my stomach. I nodded truthfully. She tugged off her bright pink backpack and searched through it. Her face lit up as she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a bright red apple. She handed it to me.

"It's my snack but I'm not really hungry you can have it". I grabbed the apple and took a bite. juice ran down my chin. I wiped it away with the sleeve of my dress shirt. We sat down against the lockers in the currently empty hallway.

"Thanks" I managed through bites. I finished the apple in record time. She simply sat there watching me. I pitched the core in a nearby garbage can.

"Well we have a few minutes before lunch anything you want to do" I asked looking at my watch.

"Not really." she shrugged. There was an awkward silence.

"So how long have you been coming to fairy tail?" She asked breaking the silence

"Oh, Um, I have been coming here since I was in kindergarten. My foster father abandoned me when I was little. Why did you choose to come here?" I asked.

" well it's a long story but basically my mother died leaving me with my father who hated me so I convinced him to let me go here." Just as she finished, the bell rang.

"Oh, it's time for lunch follow me" I grabbed her hand and helped her up. Then I began to drag her again. I had some people she needed to meet.

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