Chapter 8

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Natsu pov.

I was working on my homework when my phone buzzed.

Gray sent me a picture of Lucy at Smoky's. With a quick message after it.

Gray- Better catch up

I glared at my hone despite it never having done me wrong. So, Gray had taken her out first. So what. Good things comes to those who wait.

And I was gonna make the festival the best god damn night of her life.

Lucy pov.

It was weird. Despite the fact that Gray kissed me. KISSED ME. I still had weird feelings for Natsu too.

Me and Gray haven't really talked aside from the occasional hello. He seemed distracted. I decided to leave him alone for the time being while I sorted my feelings.

Plus I had something else to look forward too.

The Rainbow Blossom Festival

In an hour Natsu was gonna pick me up to go to the festival. I had just gotten out of the shower and I was rummaging threw box, after box looking for my sundress. My mother had given it to me before she died and everyone always said I looked go in it

and believe me I want to look good for Natsu.

I finally find it at the box I was looking threw. It's plain white so I add a gold necklace for a touch of color. I put on some lite makeup and grab a bag. I glance at the clock. I barely had 5 minutes before Natsu was supposed to get me.

I stepped onto my front porch and sat down. it was a little cold and the sun dress was not the best option when it came to cold. I closed my eyes and sighed.

I needed to stay calm. I could feel my heart going a million miles an hour and he wasn't even here yet. It's just Natsu, but that was just it. It was NATSU. he was the guy I've been watching, who I've been dreaming about. He was more that just a guy.

"Heh, You asleep" I jumped and looked up at Natsu. He smiled. He was wearing a tee shirt and shorts so I didn't feel to bad about wearing something so short. I knowest a small basket in his hand.

"Whats that?" I asked curious.

"Nothing." He put it behind his back. " You'll see later" He held his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up. but didn't let it go.

"Ready to go" He was still holding my hand and I felt myself blushing.

"Yeah" He started walking, Still with my hand in his. He had long strides and I had to basicly jog to keep up. He had a grip on my hand. I was bright red at this point. We walk for about 10 minutes before he finally broke the silence.

"You exited" he asked. turning his head to look at me.

"Yeah" The sun was just starting to set when we got to the park. He let go of my hand to retrieve the tickets from his pocket. I looked at him. I was surprised to see the tips of his ears had a little redness to them. He hand the ticket to the usher who let us in.

The place was beautiful the trees were covered in rainbow colored blossoms that looked as if they were glowing in the setting sun. I was awestruck.

"Beautiful" I breathed. Natsu chuckled seemingly unfazed by the beauty.

"Let's find a place to sit." Natsu grabbed my hand again and took me to a tree that had no one sitting under it.

The place wasn't as crowded as I had anticipated. there were couples sitting under the trees and families set up under the trees with picnic blankets. Natsu and I sat under it and watched the trees.

Natsu finally pulled out the basket. Inside was a picnic dinner. Sandwiches and apple slices and homemade cookies. I pulled out the cookies.

"Did you make these?" I asked

He shrugged, "Side hobby." I laughed

"Thats cute,"

He pouted. "Its not 'cute', its a manly hobby" I laughed.

"Fine, thats 'manly'"

"Thank you" I laughed harder, before he handed me a ham sandwich.

We scarfed down our meals hen leaned against the tree to watch the remainder of the sun set.

"Thank you" I turned. he smiled. Gosh that smile makes my heart burn.

"Thank you for coming. I thought you wouldn't want to come." He turned and looked the other way but I saw the tips of his ears get red again. I giggled.

"Why wouldn't I come" I asked

"I don't know" I sighed and looked back at the trees.

"Still you didn't have to invite me, you could have just as easily invited Erza or Gajeel."

"Gajeel, can you really see that gruff guy wanting to see flowers?"

By this time ithe sun was completely set. The moon was out and it was rather nippy out. I was second guessing my Desition to waer a dress.

"Good point." I shivered. I felt daring so I layed my head on his shoulder. I felt myself getting red but I continued. He wrapped his arm around my sholder which just caused me to get redder.

He eventually stood up and I followed.

"We leaving already?" I asked. He laughed.

"Did you really think this is all thats here? Come on" He began to walk down a path. I soon understood what he ment. We came across the 'festival' part. There where booths set up with different games and activities. It was packed.

Natsu grabed my hand. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'll win you something."

"Sure, Mr cliché" I rolled my eyes.

"Mr cliché" He mocked. "Come on"

He pulled me to the first booth. It was ring toss. He failed at it. He couldn't even get one ring on the bottle. I didn't say anything and just enjoyed his frustration.

"Let me try." Natsu shrugged and handed me the rings. I threw it.

It landed around then bottle. Natsu jaw basically hit the ground I threw the second one. It two landed. So did the last three. Natsu was dumbstruck. The vendor was impressed he pulled out a giant stuffed fish. I took it and handed it to Natsu.

"Why are you giving it to me." He asked.

"Cause I won it for you, Mr cliché." I winked. He rolled his eyes and took the fish.

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