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At Dragon heart hotel

Natsu was eating next to me. I was feeding Kasaii some applesauce with hot sauce mixed in. A bright light speared in the middle of the guild. Natsu looked over and spit out his drink when he saw Melody. He was frantic saying ''I'm sorry, I just wanted to spend the night here. I will not do it again. I will pay for my nights stay........Why the hell are you laughing?'' and of course our loveable immature Master was rolling on the ground in laughter. ''It......it......its okay'' she attempted to say inbetween fits of laughter. I laughed too because the whole ordeal was hallarious. Him begging for forgiveness on the floor and her laughing her head off. ''Hey, Melody what are we doing about the games today.'' She shot me an evil stare. ''WHITE FIRE DRAGON'S FLAME COMMAND'' she shot a stream of fire out from her hand towards me. I was scared I tried to cover Kasaii, Natsu tried to block it but failed. It was coming closer.

It went passed me.

We heard an ''OAAAAAOOUCH'' from be hind me. I turned to look behind me was a burnt Makarov.  ''DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT AGAIN MELODY YOU COULD HAVE HURT LUCE AND KASAII!'' Natsu was fuming and Melody, well Melody was trying to talk to Makarov. ''Natsu calm down.'' I said firmly a deadly aura coming off of me.

A few moments later

Natsu and Makarov lay twitching on the ground. I had Luce kicked Natsu in the Stomach for not listening to me and Melody had burnt Makarov to a crisp for suggesting a bathing suit contest. ''Lucee........why....'' was all that came from Natsu. I stormed off.


Lucy stormed off. A light appeared. I knew who it was by the warm scent of bergamot and vanilla that flooded the room. I loved that scent, it reminded me of a warm cup of tea on a winter evening. ''Loke, sense your here can you please take these humans back to their hotel; we have the games to prepare for the games.'' ''Why do I have to do everything?'' I shot him a death glare.

Loke point of view.

An evil aura came off of her.

I ran and did what I was asked. I do not want to be on the receiving end of that wrath. I shuddered, remembering what happened to the person who killed him and captured me.   That was something to cruel for even the enemy.


It was dark. The only light was from a purple flame. Inside the flame  was Melody with silver hair and silver red  eyes. The aura coming off of her pulverized the ground underneath her. She was walking toward a man with raven black hair. ''YOU SPAWN OF HELL, YOU HAVE KILLED A DRAGONS MATE. DO YOU KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES OF SUCH ACT?'' the voice brought the man to his knees with tears flowing out of his eyes. A spinning purple void formed around the girls hand. She reached her hand out and stabbed the man trough the heart. Time seemed to still, the blood spattered across her face and her clothes. Agonizing screams filled the earth. The man fell forward at Melody's feet still twitching. She picked him up. ''You won't die quickly.....no....that is not what this spell does....you don't die..... you watch as every one you ever loved, met, cared for....suffer in agony and crumble in the specks of dust.......No you don't die......that would be heaven to what you are going to experience......you will live forever....unable to touch anyone ......you will watch as the earth crumbles and turn to dust.... You will watch when every star in the sky turns to ice......you will watch until the sun goes out......and then you will see only darkness unable to hear or touch....only you and your thoughts..........I will make your world so miserable even the devil himself will have pity on you.......Zeref.''


I shuddered at the memory. Sweat trickled down my face. I have pity on that man. No one, not even one as evil as him should be sentenced to that. What scares me more is that no one besides the three of us know about it. Melody is still toning down her power to about thirty percent, that's the white flame. The purple flame happens whenever she is at a hundred percent. I reached their hotel and dropped them off in front of the building.

I was walking back when I remembered something that had happened after the battle.

I walked over to Melody. She was sitting by a bloodied body of our former friend. She was still using the purple flame. She saw me. At first their was fear in her eyes, then her flame turned a cram color and she hugged me. She started to cry onto my shoulder. ''I thought you were dead......they captured you and and they took you away.'' she sobbed even harder.

Why did she not say ''I thought you had died too''

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