Ch.1 Phoenix Drop

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I do not own any of the characters except North. This story is based off of Aphmau's minecraft diaries. If you don't know who Aphmau is, she is a minecraft youtuber so go check her out. Hope u enjoy the story.

My memory is just a big blur, I don't know how I got here but all I knew is that I was unconscious. I don't know how long though. I was in a bed and next to me, standing up, was a girl. She had hazelnut brown hair, green eyes, and wearing a striped top and some blue shorts. When I woke up, this was her reaction.

"YOUR AWAKE!!!" She screamed with delight. I flinch while putting my ears down to block the noise, trying to hold back a whimper.

"Who are you long was I out?" 

"Oh. Sorry I forgot, my name is Donna, and you were out for at least a couple of days, two or three at least. Laurence found you out side the walls out cold."

"Laurence?" I didn't know who he was.

"Laurence is one of the guards here in Phoenix Drop. So anyway, what's your name!" I thought about trusting her, I mean, they did take me in, and I'm a stranger to them. I might as well...

"North." I simply stated.

"Well nice to meet you North, I'll been right back I need to get some people that I want you to meet. So stay there." And with that she left. that's when I saw the damage done to me, a huge cut on my left arm a stab wound on my right leg, and a few cuts on my arms, legs, and cheek. I probably blacked out due to blood lost, and exhaustion as well.

I wanted to see where I was at, so I got up and looked around. The walls and floor were made of stone, but the outline of the doors were made of wood. there were two doors connecting two rooms side by side. A section of chest surrounded by, what looks to me, is Diorite. And finally, a huge glass pane window looking out on this village. I sat back down, looking out the window and wondered how I got into this. Then it hit me.

I remember now. It was like a flashback. My village was under attack by O'khasis guards, the leader was no other than Zane. We were at war because my father, Lord of Abron, refused the request of joining the alliance , and the proposal with me and Zane. For my own protection, my father told me to run. I felt like a coward running, I mean, he let me go to a guard academy under a different name, but I did it for my father. As I was running, Four men were chasing me. They probably knew about my powers. I have two of them, one was I can look in the future and the past. I don't know how to control it yet, a secret only my family knows. Which might have gotten word to O'khasis or not, and the other is that I can either turn into a dog, a wolf, of a wolf hybrid. Which is like a werewolf, but on its for legs. It was a curse given to me when I was only a month old. If they knew about it, then this was not good. But i mean, why else would the high priest want my hand in marriage. I took on the guards but I barely survived. Then I ended up here.

My flash back ended, and i sat there taking it all in, about what happen to me. That's when I noticed that Donna and three other people where in front of me, staring.

"Um...hi?" I said sheepishly. 

The guy with blond hair and blue eyes talked first."Your eyes....they were....glowing"

Uh no, "Oh, that happens when...I have flashbacks. It's normal for me." I stated.

"Flashbacks, you mean like, memories?" Donna asked.

"And it's normal for you." The brown haired one said, trying to understand it all. I simply nodded, trying not to blow my cover.

"Well, I'm Aphmau and this is Garroth and Laurence. Welcome to Phoenix Drop." She said with joy, like nothing happened. So Garroth was the blond one and Laurence was the brown haired. Wait...

"Your the one that found me unconscious. Donna told me about you. And looking at your outfits, you and Garroth here are both guards, am I correct?" I said.

"Yeah, we are." Garroth replied.

"Anyway, what was your flash about?" Wow, Aphmau gets right to the point does she? I hesitated, because they could be with Zane and the O'khasis alliance. But if they are, I could always break the window and run like the wind. But it would probably be hard to run with a stab wound on your leg.

So I told them about my memory (Except the part about my power.) and to my surprise, they were sorta mad. I mean, who wouldn't be if O'khasis is trying to arrange an alliance, but can only do this by black-mailing villages to accepting.

"Zane is still terrorizing villages, huh." Donna pointed out, sadly I must say

"I swear I'll make my brother pay for this"Garroth said under his breath, no one hear it except me.

"wait," Laurence said, "Why does Zane want to marry you?" that made me freeze, If i do tell them, they might not want me going anywhere, as in, they would want to use me as a weapon. I couldn't tell, them. Not yet anyways.

"Don't know. The only one who knows is the devil himself." I responded, happy with me answer. But to the look in his eyes, Laurence knows I'm hiding something.

"We better get going, it's turning night. We'll talk about this in the morning, are you ok with that North?"

"I'm ok with that, Aphmau."

Well that was chapter 1. I hope you guys liked it. The first copy was erased so I had to redo it over, but I like this one better. and i hope You do too

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