Going Home......Again

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm soooooooooo sorry that I haven't been posting chapters all that much. I'll try to do more in the future. And I'm happy to say that..........I HAVE 80 VEIWS/READS ON THIS BOOK!!!!!! Thank you guys so much and for all the support and thank you the people who follow me! You know who you are. Now I'm gunna shut up so you can read the chapter.

I waited in my cell. On the edge of my bed looking down at the floor. Something was telling me that it was almost time. When I looked up, I saw Sasha unlocking the iron door, letting me step out of my cell for the first time in three days.

"It's time, isn't it?" I spoke. For a response, she nodded her head and lead me to the thrown room. When we entered, pilers surrounded us as we walked in,we were next to the thrown. Sasha sat as I saw the doors open, revealing Aphmau. For some reason, she was alone. I figured she had a plan, for sure she wouldn't give up that easy. Right? I thought. I saw in her eyes, that she was relief that I wasn't dead.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. But of course I knew that you were coming anyway." Sasha said with a grin. Four guards, two on each side shut the doors. Aphmau was surrounded.

"B..but...but how..." Aphmau stuttered. That is actually the first time I heard aphmau stutter.

"What Sasha means is that I switched sides. I'm sure you saw this coming Aphmau." I winked at her to say I'm playing along, thankfully, she got the message. She is so oblivious sometimes I swear.

"Well Aphmau, you fell into my little trap. What do you have to say to yourself now?" When Sasha spoke, I looked up onto the balcony. It's show time.

I followed her foot steps," Yes, Aphmau. What do you have to say?" I looked at the balcony and back to get her attention that it's time. She understood and spoke.

"Let. Her. Go!" Sasha was confused at this. I saw the look in her exprection.

"Wha..." She was cut off bye two people jumping off the balcony. One on the right, two on the left. It was Garroth and Autumn, and laurence on the right.

"North! You never told me this in the future!" I smiled, thinking that she actually thought that I would betray the village so easily.

"Oops, I forgot. My bad." With that I walked down the steps and straight to Aphmau and gave her a quick hug. Then I turned to face Sasha.

"So, this was your plan all along, huh. Well call my a fool to believe that you would turn on your friends so quickly. But don't think you will get out of here alive. GUARDS! GET THEM!" Just then, a pack of guards surrounded us, but I wasn't ready to give up. To be honest, it was a 3 min fight. They went down easily. I was actually surprised at this. When I turned around, Sasha wasn't on the thrown anymore.

"Come on guys, Sasha fled. We better go though before someone finds out we're here." I said.

"Your right. There are horses outside the gates. I got one for you too North." Garoth spoke.

"Thanks." I responded

We left the O'khasis on our horses. Garroth had a white horse, Laurance had a brown one, Aphma had a black and white spotted horse, autumn had a chestnut horse, obviously. And I had a tan one with a white star on it's nose. We were half way there when Laurance started talking to me. I was quite surprise at what he said.

"Hey, um North. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did and I don't even know why I did it." I saw his eyes. They were full of sadness. I believed him.

"I believe you." Was all I said. Laurance looked at me with a small smile, and I smiled back. We road in silence until we got back to Phoenix Drop. They were all happy to see us, and no one even mention about my past. It felt like this was my home. And it was

A/N ok last chapter was the same as this one but I accidentally put it one private so I copy and past it on this one. Sorry!

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