Mysterious Man

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It's been almost 3 days since the battle. Garroth is still recovering, and Larence is warming up to me, not really. I have met every one in the village and have my own house, since I asked Aphmau if I could stay. Surprising she said yes. My house is across the housing area, and between the bridge and path to the plaza. I live in a cozey cabin. It's not too big where I feel lonly, but not too small where I had to squeeze through everything. Brian, Lucinda, Dante, and I were fixing the wall while the others fixed the rest of the village.

"So . . . your a werewolf?" Lucinda asked, like she didn't already know. I all ready explain it to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE!

"You already know what I am, so stop trying..." She cut me off.

"Trying to do what?" She said in a sweet tone. I hope she knows that know one if falling for that.

"(Sigh)Never mind." I gave up and continued working on the wall. We were almost done, Brian and Dante were working on the bottom while us girls were working on the top.

"So . . . your a werewolf?"OMG I SWEAR IF SHE ASKED THAT ONE MORE TIME I'LL... I didn't get to finish that thought because I smelled a horse and a passenger up the path.

"Wait, someone is riding up the pass." I told Lucinda.

I called to the boys,"Hey! Did you fixed the gate yet?" I hope they did.

"I don't know? Did you finish the upper part of the wall yet?" Dante answered me like it was a joke.

"Dante, stop being so sassy and close the damn gate!"

"Why?" Are you kidding me? I was getting really annoyed, but I guess it's not his falt for not knowing that someone is coming.

"Someone is riding up the path!" Now can you close the gate?

"Why didn't you just tell me in the first place?!?" Are you kidding me, he better be kidding me.

" I just did!" I climed down the ladder, being annoyed, I closed the gate myself. Hey, if you want something done, you have to do it yourself.

"Does that answer your question?" I gave Dante a stare and then ignored him. I sniffed the air.

"Their close."

After I said that, the person came and got off their horse and stood infront of the gait. For some reason, they wore a black cape and hood. All I could see was the bottom half of their face.

"Who are you?" Brian asked in a stern voice.

I saw a smerk appearing,"Hello, allow me to introduce myself," he took off his hood." I am Issic, son of Azrael, and future lord. I'm looking for the lord of this village, I believe her name is Aphmau. Am I correct?"

"For what purpose?" I said, not believing him.

"And why you care? Unless your the lord of this so called,'Phoenix Drop', I believe not." He was getting on my last nerves, but I tried not to show it.

"I'm looking after my lord, that's all." Just stay calm, just stay calm.

"I want to speak with her, not a peasant." I felt like I was on fire.

"Hey! You can't speak to her like that!!!" That's when I turned around to see Aphmau walking to us.

"And excuse me, but, who are you?" Issic asked.

"I am Aphmau, lord of Phoenix Drop. And I do not like it when you speak to my friends like that." Man! She told him!

"My apologies, I did not realize that she was your friend. Forgive me. I am Issic, son of Azrael."

"Well Issic, what brings you here?" Aphmau said with grace.

"I wanted to have word with you." He grinned.

"Very well, follow me to my house."

As Aphmau lead the way to her house, I pulled her aside and whispered to her.

" Aphmau, be carful. Ok, I don't trust him, believe me he is bad news."

"Relax, North. Nothing is going to happen. Plus, Dante and Brian will be outside my door. Everything will be all right."

It's like she never watch a movie in her life.

"Fine, just please, be carful ok?"

"I will." With that she entered the house with Issic

After the meeting

"It's taking WAY to long, I'm going in." I had enough of waiting.

"North, don't."Dante replied.

"Dante, I have to its taking way too long."

"Fine, be carful." Dante mumbled,"don't let anything happen to you." It was sweet, but I had to go in.

I opened the door and shut it. I looked around but she wasn't here. I Checked down stairs, but she wasn't there either. I started to get worried, Where could she be? I wondered. The last place I checked was her bedroom. I knocked, but no one answered. I opened the door and said her name. When I looked around, next to her painting, the window was broken, and Aphmau's sword was in the middle of the room on the floor. From there on I knew what happened. I ran down stairs and out the door.

"DANTE, BRIAN!!!" I was out of breath and not surprised that Issoc tooked Aphmau.

Brian spoke first,"North, what happened! You looked pail."

"Where's Aphmau?!?" Dante shouted.

I looked to the ground," Issic took her, he tooked Aphmau."

A/N omg a cliffhanger, yeah no one saw a cliffhanger coming. Anyway thank you guys for reading my book. I know it's a small number, but I have over 20 readers. But still, thank again for reading. Now I'm off to watch Aphmau's latest video.PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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