Ups and downs

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Aphmau's sword was locked on Zan's sword. As I started running towards the two, I noticed that Zan's back was infront of me, I took it as an advantage. So I signaled Aphmau to keep him busy. She noded.

"Zan, who do u think is going to win this war. You or I?" I walked closer to Zan as Aphmau talked.

"Why do you asked such a dumb question, of course I wi..." Slash with my sword, cutting off his head, that was now dead (hey that rhymed). I was proud, but it wasn't the time to celebrate, Garroth was still injured. Aphmau was staring at Zan, or what's left of him anyway.

"Wow, I can't believe that he's dead." Said Aphmau

"Well believe it, look we have bigger issues than Zan's dead body." Aphmau looked confused when I said that. Then I sniffe the air only to fined that Larence was behind me, I turned around.

"What do you mean, you just killed Zan." Larence pointed out. Wait, did he see the fight?

"Garroth got injured while fighting. I took care of the guy who hurt him, but we need to move fast." There I said it, are you happy now?

Judging by their looks, they are the opposite of happy.

"What?!?" They both said.

I lead them where Donna and Garroth were. Aphmau looked like she was about to cry, and so did Larence. I didn't blame them, I wanted to cry too.

" did this happened?" Aphmau was the first one to speak.

"We just finished off the ones in the housing area and were heading to the plaza, but I guess we missed one because when I asked Garroth a question and he didn't respond, I turned around only to see a sword through his stomach."

"How do we know that you're not the one who did this to him?" Wow, Larence does not seem to trust me at all.

"Because if I have did this to him, I would have left him to die. Plus that ment that I was on Zan's side, and would have killed Aphmau as well as." There, does that explain your answer?

Under his breath,"I still don't trust you." He still thinks that I can't hear him, seriously?

"I hope you know I can still hear you," I pointed at my ears, then nose,"dog ears and nose." Just to remind him.

"Anyway, I brought him here were Donna was. To be honest, I didn't know she was here."

"I have that hard to believe." Larence was getting on my nerves, but then Garroth started to wake up.

"Ugghhh..." I looked at Garroth.

"Garroth, OMG you're ok!!!" I was so happy that I didn't care if Larence trust me or not!

"Where...where am...I?" The first question everyone asked when they first wake up from a blackout. How original, just teasing.😄

"Garroth, it's ok you're safe. What happened?" Really, now Aphmau doesn't believe me. Great.

"Wait, didn't I just tell you?" Yeah, didn't I?

"Aphmau just wants to make sure that your not lying." Wow, ok.

(A couple of minutes later of Garroth saying what I already said.)

"And then that's when I blacked out..." Garroth was finally done explaining the story, finally. While he explained it, Donna healed him, just enough to help him live. I gave Larence a (I told you) looked and then he stuck his tongue out at me, so I did it back. But then Aphmau caught us.

"Will you two quite it!" Aphmau shouted.

"She started it first!"Oh how mature Larence.

"Really?" I said, trying to keep my voice down of the sake of Garroth.

"(Sigh), I'm glad your ok Garroth."

" Me too." Garroth gave her a smile, hm, I wonder?

"Anyway I'm going to see if I can help the others, North, you can come too." I smiled, at least someone in this town trust me.

"Sure!" So we left Larence and Garroth be and headed toward the wall. That's when I met Dante, Nicole, Lucinda, Logan, and Brian. That's only some of the people of Phoenix Drop, there is still more I need to know.

Hi guys, I'm just going to let you know that I'll post these on Saturday and Sunday, sometimes during the week if I have in 7th grade so I'm busy most of the time, then I have to go with my mom to places and then, well you know. Just to give you a heads up! See you next time! Bye!

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