The Plan

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(North's P.O.F)


I was on my horse with Autumn by my side. Aphmau, Garroth, and Laurence were behind us. We were all on horses. Ridding on the trail, exiting from O'khasis. As I looked back, an explosion occurred where O'khasis use to stand. I was smiling with glee, and so were the others.

I woke up to see that it was a vision.

"Well, good morning sleeping beauty!" The same girl that knock me out was standing infront of me. I just noticed that I was in a cell, underground. She came in as I sat up on my bed.

"You never told me your name." I wanted to know who she was, before I kick her in the gut.

"Strait to the point, I see. Well I'm Sasha. You must be North, yes?"

"Why am I here?" I was afraid to ask this, but I needed to know. And I needed to know now.

"Well, you see. We need your powers to have an avantage. Seeing the future. To attack Phoenix Drop, we need to see what they are doing, and planing. I suppose you're not going to betray them, are you."hmm, I GOT IT!

"Well, your wrong. After what they did to me, I will not hesitate to betray them. I'm on your side now." I had a plan. But I needed them to trust me.

"Really? What did they do to make you come to our side? I'm curious as a kitten." Of course you are, Sasha.

"I thought they were my friends, that I could trust them with my past. Instead they blab it out to every one in the villages, probley to nearby villages as well." Looking back at that, I wonder if I could really trust them? Of course I can! Well, maybe not Laurence.

"Well, I have been betrayed too. But let's not go into that. Now, can you show me the future?" And, here comes the down fall for me.

I looked down as I spoke,"Um, you see. I don't really know how to control my powers. But when I do, it's random and only happends when I'm asleep or knocked out." I regret saying that last part.

"Well then, when you do have a vision, tell me immediately. Understand?" She gave me her cold eyes, then said," In the mean time, I'll try to see if I can get anyone to help you control your powers."

I nodded. With that she left. I knew that I would leave this place. But when? I can only hope that they make it here safe.

(Autumn's P.O.V.)

We headed into Aphmau's house. We sat down as Aphmau made tea for us. She sat down and joined us.

Aphmau started the conversation. "Ok, Autumn. You said you had a plan."

"Yes, I do."

"Well then, tell us what it is." Laurence said.

"Ok, Aphmau. You will walk in alone and say let her go or else. When she doesn't, that's when me and Laurence come in. We'll break in the castle unnoticed and jump into your conversation. I don't all the details, but it's..." Someone interrupted me. It was Garroth. He started to walk yesterday when people started to help fix the village after the war.

"It's what?" Should I include Garroth as well? I mean, I don't have anything against him. "And why didn't North tell us about her past sooner?"

"I forgot that everyone knows about it. And what do you mean, you didn't tell us about YOUR past until Donna's wedding when you were forced too. Then again, North was forced to as well." Aphmau said. And wait, what about Garroth's past?

"Wait, forced?" I could tell he was confused. And so was I.

"Yeah, um. Garroth, I need to explain to you about what I did." Laurence explained about the walky-talky and her running away, then about the plan. Then Garroth punched him for what he did.

"I can't believe this. Look, I can help you with the plan if you want." I had no problem with him joining.

"Sure, I don't mind." Honestly, the more the better. We started to continue talking about the plan. I hope it works.

(North's P.O.V.)

It's around evening, Sasha found someone to help me control my powers. Hey, at least I get something out of it. I'm doing well to be honest. I almost mastered it. Which means the other part of the plan. But since I can change the future, I see that it's bright, and that we will win. Sasha entered and asked me how I was doing on telling the future. I said that I almost mastered it. She asked me to give it a try.

"Ok, I'll try." I said and with that my eyes turned white.

I saw that on my calendar that I was seeing tomorrow. Aphmau, Autumn, Garroth, and Laurence were on horses making their way to O'khasis. They had a plan. And I was going to help them, of course. Aphmau entered the main hall, telling Sasha to let me go. I went to Laurence, Garroth, and Autumn trying to break in onto the balcony but I heard Laurence say somthing I never expected. The vision ended.

"Well, what did you see?" Sasha asked.

"Well, tomorrow around 12:00 am, Aphmau will come that's a fact. And the best part is that she is coming alone. But may I ask, why do you need her anyway?" I knew why, but I wanted to know more.

"Don't you want to know all, well that story if for another time. Good night North." She left me in the cell and got out of the prison I was in. I layed in bed dreaming about tomorrow. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A/N hi guys. I just want you to know that you guys haven't commented about if you want me to make another book about minecraft diaries coming into Jess's world, real life. If I don't get any comments about if you want me to do it or not, I'm going to aside that you want me to. My number one rule in life is,"silence is a yes." So anyway, just wanted to let you guys know.PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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