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(North's P.O.V.)

I couldn't believe it, why would he do this to me? What did I do to make him hate me? I keep on asking my self these questions, over and over again. My heart felt like glass shadder bye a hammer, and the hammer was Laurence. After I ran into the forest, I turned back into a human and found myself infront of a pond. I sat on the edge and filled the pond with my tears. It was quiet, like the night, but it was day. Weird. After a few moments of silence, I herd a nose behind me. I quickly got up, got my sword out and turned around.

"Who's there?" Of course, no one would answer that question unless they were friendly. I turned back around. Big mistake. I felt something get injected on my shoulder, I looked only to see a needle. I turned around and saw a girl with white hair and purple eyes.

"Who ar..e y...o...u...?" Everything was a big blur. The girl answered but I couldn't hear. I fell on my knees, then my side. That's when everthing turned black.

(Autumn's P.O.V.) first switch

"LAURENCE!!!! Why would do such a thing!" I could tell that Aphmau was furious about what he did to ️North, and so was I. I still can't believe he did that.

"Look, everyone should know who she truly is." That's not a reason in my book.

Aphmau looked like she was going to explode."That doesn't mean you should blab it out to every one!" Did they even realize that North ran away?

"To be fair, I didn't blab it out. The walky-talky did."

"You know what I mean!" Ok, this was getting out of hand. I needed to do something, and fast.

I broke up the fight." Enough already, you two calm down. I'll go after North." We all agreed and I headed out. Now, if I was North, we're would I be? She probley ran into the forest. As I entered the beggining of the woods, I heard a voice, then a sinister laugh.

"I'm Sasha, and your coming with me. Wether you like it or not, hehehe."

As I looked, North was on the ground. In front of, what I believed was a girl with white hair. When I saw what she did, I quickly, but quietly, ran towards the village. Looking for Aphmau. When I found her, she was still fighting with Laurence. As I caught my breath, Laurence saw that I was exhausted.

"Autumn, you look pale." He was concerned about how I looked and not concerned with North. Yeah, ok.

"Autumn, what happend! Where's North?" Thank you Aphmau, for caring for North. Unlike some people. Cough cough Laurence cough.

"Aphmau, Laurence," I took in some air." Someone nocked the...woods." They looked at me like I was a ghost, even though I heard that one of Aphmau's son is one.

"WHAT!!!!" They both said in usion. I never thought that Laurence cared for her. Wait, maybe. Naw.

"Come on, I'll lead you where I found them." As we got to the location, no one was there except a note on the ground where North was.

"She was right here. Wait, there's a note." I picked it up and started reading it out loud.

"Dear, love ones of North,

As you can tell, North is gone. It's ok, we have her and she is unharmed. So don't get your pitch torches all up in a twist. Look I got to do this fast, so here is the deal. I'll give you North, if you give me Aphmau. Piece of cake. We will be at the old Maid Caffe. If you don't give me what I want, let's just say, bye-bye North. You have three days to decide.

Love: Sasha."

"What? First, who is Sasha? Second, why do they want Aphmau?"I was so confused. Was she the girl that I saw?

"Sasha is a shadow night. But I don't know why they want Aphmau." Laurence only answered one of my questions, which was ok but, Aphmau was lost in thought and looked scared.

"Aphmau, are you ok?" I asked her.

She didn't answer. Laurence tried." What's wrong, Aphmau?" Now she was terrified. And shaking a little. The question is, why?

"Aphmau, calm down. Your shaking." I sat her down and sat next to her.

She finnalied spoke."" What?

"They want what?" I asked her.

She took a deep breath and let it out and took another one."After the battle, I was going to burry Zan, to remember the day that he was defeated. When I layed him in the hole, something came out of him,(No! Not like that!)it was Iren's relic. Emmelyn showed me a picture of it in one of her books. The book said that it contained Iren's powers in it after she died. Sasha must have found out." She started to cry. Laurence hugged her.

"It's ok, but why didn't you tell us?" Laurence asked.

"There was so much going on that,(sniffle)I never had the time to."

"You don't have to explain. We'll figure something out." Laurence said, trying to comfort her. Even though it wasn't working.

"I have to save North, and I'm going alone." I knew she would say that, she is not that different from North.

"What?!? You can't!" Laurence exclaimed.

"Laurence. Look I have a plan, Aphmau you're going alone, but also not alone." I smerked.

They were confused. Aphmau spoke first," What do you mean?"

"Guys, I have a plan." We headed towards Phoenix Drop as I told them my plan.

A/N Well guys, I hope you like the chapter and leave it in the comments if you like the different P.O.V's. It was the first time I did one of them. And also, IM ALMOST UP TO 50 READS ON THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! I'm so happy. Btw my mom JUST noticed that I right. It's like I don't even know her. Anyways, PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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