The End?

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You cannot describe my face right now, not even me. 300. I've made it! I'm so happy! Sorry I haven't posted this week. Got grounded. But got ungrounded because of the holiday vacation. So I'ma do a chapter on this one. Hope you like it.

~[Chapter begins now]~

Me and Larence had to stop for air. I never wanted it to end, I wanted to stay in his arms, but I knew the kiss was going to end one way or the other. My back was to the stairs so when I turned around, I saw a estatic Cadenza on the top of the stairs waiting to explode happiness all over the town. I knew what she wanted to do, but she waited for my permission, like a good friend and brother would.

"Go ahead." I told her. And as I did, Cadenza jumped with glee and ran out of her house.

"You know, the whole village is about to know about us in about, 6min now that Cadenza has permission to open her mouth about it." Larence said, warning me.

"I really don't care if everyone knows or not, wanna know why?" I asked.

"Lay it on me." He replied with a smile.

"It's because I have you." I said, simple as that. We kissed again but shorter. I grabbed his hand and we walked upstares and out the house. I took him to Keke's barn and asked if we can borrow two horses. As she said yes, we mounted our horses and rode out of the barn. The sun was setting when Larence asked me

"So what are we doing?"

"Taking a ride, silly!"I answered, rolling my eyes.

He looked at me. "I mean, where are we going?"

"I don't know, but hopefully away from people." I looked at him, "Idon't want to be overcrowded with people asking me details about us. I guess I wanted some time alone. Just you, me, and the twillight sky." I replied. "Now come on! Slow poke!" I giggled and speeded up. Larence did the same and we crossed the brige to get to the gates, where Dante was.

"Well, it looks like you two made up." He said when we got there.

"Obviously." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, how come Cadenza knew about you two before me?" Dante asked.

"We were at Cadenza's house when It happened." Larence answered.

"Hey Dante," I started, " Can you open up the gates? We wanna take a ride." Dante nodded and opened the gates. Larence and I rode until Phoenix Drop couldn't be seen. We stopped on a cliff and got off our horses. I sat on the edge and Larence did so to. He put an arm around me as the sun slipped into the ocean and the moon behind us. I put my head on his shoulder and began to sing.

You would not be live your eyes

If ten million fireflies

Lit up the world as I fell asleep

They fill up the open air

And leave teardrops everywhere

You'd think me rude

But I'd just stand and stare

I like to make my myself believe

That planet earth turns slowly

It hard to say that I rather stay awake when I'm asleep

Cause everything is never as it seems

When I fall asleep

I stopped singing to look at Larence. He looked at me. I turned back to the ocean and cuddled up next to him.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered back in my ear. Larence, a shadow night from the burning nether. Me, a dog hybrid from a small villege. We're like sun and moon. There are more secrets to be shared. But for now, they shall be.......


Sorry it a small chapter. I think I'm going to end it here. The book and chapter. Let me know if you think it's ok to end the book now or continue it. If you want me to continue, pls help me get ideas. I really need your opinion on this guys. My family really doesn't care about my story, so I need help from you guys. Pls. Thanks and goodbye! PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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