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"What do you mean, Aphmau's gone?" Dante knew the answer, but he doesn't want to admit it.

"I mean she's gone. The window was broken and her sword was thrown on the floor. I knew that Issic was bad news."

"Wait," Brian added,"if the window was broken, wouldn't we all have heard it break?"

"You tell me! My ears are 40X's better than yours, if I couldn't hear it, then you wouldn't hear it either. But you do have a point."

"Guys, now is not the time to chit-chat." Dante said firmly.

"Right, I'll go and see if I can pick up issic's sent."

"I'll go and investigate up stairs. Brian, see if you can get Larence informed about this situation." Great, invite the guy that hates my guts!

"Sound like a plan." After that we split up. I turned into a dog to to help me more on picking up his sent. I was a white husky mix. I started from the back of the house, were the window was broken. Under neath the window, I started to search. Until I heard a call from up above. I turned back into a human.

It was Dante." North! Here, I found a piece of Issic's cloak. It might help you! And bye the way, I picked up some magics, Issic might have used a sound berrier. That's why none of us heard it."

"Awsome, good job. Hey pass the cloth down!" As I said that, a piece of black cloth started to fall towards me. I caught it to sniff it.  From then and there, I had Issic's sent. Dante Brian and Larence showed up next to me as I looked up from the cloth.

"So, did you get his sent?" Dante asked, and of course Im going to get revenge from the wall.

"I don't know, did you get a hair cut from yesterday?" Before fixing up the wall, Dante keeper making fun of how I looked as I turned from a wolf to a human. It always messes up my hair. As a comeback, I said,"How about you look in the mirror, you're the one who needs a change of hairstyle." 

"To-shay, to-shay."

Larence broke us up."Look, can we try to stay on task here, Aphmau is gone and we are talking about hairstyles! For all we know, North could be setting us up!" Are you kidding me, he still hasn't let the,"Garroth" insident go. I said I'm sorry like 35 times since I got here!

"You can't keep me in the dog house forever you know."

"Look guys, can we start looking for Aphmau?" Brian gots a point. If we want to safe Aphmau, we have to do it now.

"Your right, Brian. Come on, the sent goes this way." I said pointing to my right, my back against the ocean.

We started heading in the woods, but still near the coast. We past Levin and Malichi's tree house, and found ourselves at the edge of the wall, where there was an opening. Problely from the battle. We went through the hole and into the forest where the sent became stronger. As we followed the sent, it lead us to a cottage within a clearing. We all stood infront of the building.

"What?" Dante looked as confused as the rest of us. Why did Issic's sent lead us here?

"Come on, if the sent lead us here, than Issic must be here too." Brian said, breaking up the silence.

Under Laurence's breath,"or North lead us into a trap." Ugh, I swear he will never forgive me.

"First, I hear what u said, part dog remember. Second, I already said I'm sorry! What else do you want me to do?"

"How about die." He mumble.

"I can't believe you! After we save Aphmau I swear, I'm leaving the village." I literally felt like I was about to cry.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Dante," Look, no one is leaving. We're in this together."

"Come on, let's go in." As Brian said that, I lead the way in. When I was opening the door I hear sobbing, coming from up stairs.

"You hear that?" I whispered, as I said that, we were all inside. To our right was the kitchen, infront of us was the living room, and the stair case was on our left. I was about to go upstairs when I heard Issic. There was more sobbing.

"Don't cry Aphmau, there is no point in crying. Once I kill you, I'm going to slaughter the whole entire village, including your one true love..............Garroth."

I heard more sobbing coming from Aphmau. I couldn't bare to hear anymore of this. So I ran up the stairs, along with the guys and we approached Issic. Aphmau was sitting in a chair tied up with duck tape over her mouth in the middle of the room.

"Issic." I said, with no emotion in my words, just like his heart. Like a rock, cold harded.

"Ahh, North and your backup came to save the day, well your to late. Once I kill Aphmau, it will send a signal to my army to charge. They have been waiting patently to attact Phoenix Drop."

"You wouldn't dare." As I said that, a figure appeared from behind Issic. I looked away, hoping Issic didn't notice.

"Try me, I work for Zan, and I know he'll do anything to get what he wants. I, on the other hand, wan..." When he didn't finish his sentence, I saw that his eyes were rolled back.  He fell on the floor with his face on the wooden floors. But I still wanted to know, what is that figure.

"Aphmau!" Larence ran up to her and hugged her. He untied the knots and looked up."this is going to hurt, ok?" With that he ripped of the duck tape like it was a bandage.

"Owch!" Aphmau yelped. She stood up and hugged him back.

"Aphmau! Are you ok?" I asked as they were hugging.

"Yes, I'm fine thank you. I'm sorry, I should have listen to you about Issic."

"It's ok, that's in the past. But I do want to know," I walked out to the figure in the shadows," who are you?"

The person that saved us walked into the light and took of their hood.

A/N Hey you guys. Thanks for reading,"Secrets Untold" i don't have much information to tell yeah. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I have. Like I said, I'm coming up with ideas as I go along. So other than that, I'll be signing off. PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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