Loved Again

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     I just finish telling Dante about what was bugging me. I sigh waiting for a response, for a new quest in life, that would lead me down a path I haven't discovered. Instead, I get a simple question

     "So, you found out that someone loves you. What's so wrong about that?"

     "What's wrong?" I asked. "What's wrong is that I don't know if he really meant it, or he's trying to use me so he won't feel guilty that it was his fault for me running away when......when it's my fault." I closed my eyes, trying to picture my mother in my mind singing silent night. It always calmed me down when I was a child. But by the age of 9, I never heard it again. I could still find my mother's face in crowds, knowing that she's always watching over me. I looked up at Dante once again to find a response. We usually do it that to each other. looking at one another's face t find an answer when we had none. 

     He sighed in disappointment. "I don't have an answer for this one, North. Your barking up the wrong tree." Dante placed a hand on my sholder I knew what he meant. and I hated it.

     "I'm gunna have to talk to Laurence, don't I?" with a response, he nodded.

     "Now, go to sleep. I need to go back to my shift, and you need rest." Knowing I won't win, I got up and nodded my head. As I said goodbye, I wonder how Laurence would respond, and how awkward the conversation will be.


     I woke up around 7:30, knowing I had to face Laurence today. Half of me wanted to know the truth, while the other half begged me to stay in bed. Dante would break my door down if I stayed in my house all day.  I thought. And with that I was up. I combed my hair, took a shower, got dressed, ate cereal, and was out the door bye 7:58.

     I was going to Cadenza's 'cause she said that she would make me an outfit the day I came back home, which was now 4 days ago. it was because mine was dirty and ripped a little because Sasha just had to drag me to get us out of the woods. I told her that I had more outfits, but she insisted so I didn't argue. yesterday she said to stop bye when ever after 7:00 to pick it up. I assumed that she had more outfits to work on. I knocked on her door and I heard a little, "Come in!" she must have been in the bottom half of the house.

     I walk inside the house only to hear Cadenza and Laurence chatting away. to me, their conversation sounded like it was right in front of me. I heard Cadenza said that she knows that Laurence liked me and told him to tell me. But I still didn't know if he really does have feelings for me, or it was an act. I didn't want to be an eavesdropper, so I walked into their conversation.

     "Hi!" Was all I said. they looked up only to see me. I look at cadenza, then to Laurence. nothing has  change except that I have just noticed that his eyes sparkled when we meet eye to eye. I looked back at Cadenza. "I'm here to pick up the outfit you made for me."

     "Right! Sorry, I was talking to Laurence about stuff," She looked at Laurence, glared at him for a split second, then turned back to me, "Anyway, let me go get it. It's right up stairs." While Cadenza went up stairs, I wanted to see if Laurence would tell me if he really did like me.

     "What does she mean bye, stuff?" I asked. Right when I said that, he looked nervous.

     "You didn't hear our conversa..." he smacked his head. "I'm stupid for asking that question, aren't I?" I giggled at the fact that he forgot that I was part dog, or what people call me a dog hybrid.

     "Yeah. Um. Laurence, do you really like me?" I could tell that Laurence was shocked at this.

     "What? Why would you asked that?" Laurence asked.

     "Why would I? Laurence, you hated me ever since Garroth got hurt. And now ever since I got captured, you say you love me? Laurence, how do I know that your not just saying that just to ease your guilt because it was your fault when...when it was mine?" I was on the verge of tears. I was going to go upstairs and shift into by wolf form so no one could see them when something stopped me. And that something was Laurence.

     he took my arm and spinned me around to face him. he held my chin in his hand and raised it, so we can see eye to eye. his eyes no longer sparkle. I can only see tears forming in them. His faced filled with sorrow, like he might die if anything move. Even the slightest bit.

     "North, I'm so sorry for what I've done to you. I'm sorry that I hurt you. It was my fault tha.." before Laurence could say anything else, I stopped him. I believed him.

I kissed him.

     Laurence was paralyzed for a second, but kissed back. We kissed until we had to break for air. I knew that Cadenza was behind me, watching us kiss and fan girling. but I didn't care.

     I have someone in my life to love me again.

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