Old Friend, New Enemy

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"Who are you?" I asked the figure that killed Issic. He still layed there with his white/light blue hair covering his face.

The figure stepped out from the shadows and into the light. It turned out to be a she. The girl was wearing a dark blue cape and hood with white stars on it. She took it off. To the look of things, her hair was light/medium brown, turning white at the end. Had black gloves on, and a reddish brown tee with some black shorts reaching her knees, also some dark brown boots, with some white on the bottom. She looked...familiar.

"Hello, North. It's been a while, my friend." Her...voice.

"What? How do you know my name...and who are you?" I was so shocked.

"You don't remember me, and I thought that we would never forget each other?" This cannot be happening...I don't believe it.

"A..a...at...umn?Autumn... Is that really you?!?" She nodded her head. We both ran torward each other(no...not like that)and hugged. Tears came running down my face.

I hear crying from her voice," North, I have been looking everywhere for you. I herd that you where a village called Phoenix Drop, and then I heard yelling from this house, and..." I stopped her right there.

"Autumn, it doesn't matter how you got hear. I'm just glad that I can see your face again!"

"Cough" I heard from Larence, breaking up our hug." I don't mean to interrupt, oh, who am I kidding. I did mean to interrupt..." I glared at him. Thankfully, Aphmau punch in the arm a gave a look that said, "let them have this moment!"

"In all seriesness, North, care to explain who, Autumn, is? And how do you her?"

"Ok, but let's head to the village first before it turns night." I replied, Larence knew that I was trying to doge the question. And i doged it.

We all headed home. And right then and there, it turned night. THANK YOU LADY IREN!!!, I said in my head, even though this means I will still have to explain my back story in the morning.

"Guys, it's time to head in. We can talk tomorrow, and Autumn, you can sleep in my house for tonight, of you like?"

"No thanks," she replied." North said I can sleep in her house, plus we have a lot of catching-up to do!" Autumn was so happy.

"How long have you known her, North?" Larence asked.

"Since we were little kids, why?"

"Just asking." I knew there was more to it. But I let it slide past me." Goodnight." And with that he was off. Me and Autumn went to my house and talked for, what it seemed like hours. I first listened to her story and then she listened to mine.

"You still haven't told them, huh?" Autumn pointed out.

"I will do it tomorrow, I have no way out of it. Come on, it's getting late." Even though I'm pretty sure it's already midnight. Autumn went to the bedroom across mine. That night, I had the same vision when I first got here, but in my dreams.(ha! You guys thought I had forgotten about it, well you were wrong! Hahaha)I was running out of the village in wolf form, looking like I was about to cry. I woke up terrified, sweat coming down my face. I layed back in bed, my hands on my face. I was so worried about tomorrow. With that, I fell asleep, again.

Morning came fast. I made breakfast for me and Autumn and were headed to Aphmau's house, when we bumped into her on the path, infront of the old guard tower.

"Hey, guys! I was about to head to your house." Aphmau was cheery this morning, like always.

"Same here!" Autumn exclaimed.

Just then, Larence came. Great, already starting to become a bad day.

"Good morning ladies. North, I would like to hear that story now." He said, with a smerk on his pathetic, good looking face.

"Larence, yo..." I cut Aphmau off.

"Aphmau, it's ok. It's about time I told you about my past. Let me start where it all began." I never wanted to tell anyone my story, huh, here it goes.

"On December 10, twenty years ago, my mother gave birth to me. Her name was Luna, she married my dad, Lord Aden, lord of Sumer. On the day I was born, my mother gave me her necklace, it was very important to her. As my mother walked around the village, she stumbled on a widow looking to trade. But when she saw my necklace, she demanded my mother to hand it to her. My mother refused. The widow was furious, she cast a spell on me, which only she can redo, turning me into a puppy. My father through her into the dungeons. While my mother begged to change me back. Taking pity on my mother, the widow accepted it, but what my mother didn't know, was that the widow only reversed half of the spell, leaving me to learn how to control changing from a human into a dog and back. As I aged, I reseaved a new power by the time I was 18. The power was to look into the future, and the past. I have yet learned how to control it properly. Thats when I met Autumn here, she helped me understand it a little bit more.That's why when you found me, my eyes were white. It also happens when I'm asleep. O'khasis found out about my power a wanted to use me for their own uses. So they decided to call it a peace treaty. Knowing what they realy wanted, my father refused there offer. The Lord of O'khasis was not pleased with this. So he ordered his guards to destroy my village, and to capture me. My father told me to run. I hated the idea, but I obeyed my father and did what I was told. And now I'm here.(Wow, that was a LONG paragraph)

"Wow, North... I..I don't know what to say." Aphmau was speechless.

"You don't have to sa...Larence, what's that in your pocket." Did he do what I think he just did.

"Ummm...yeah, it's a walky-talky. Now everyone in the village knows about your past, so now you don't have to explain it to everyone over and over again." He said in a nervous smile. I felt like I was about to cry.

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!" Tears were coming out from my eyes and down my face.

"LARENCE!!! How...how could you?" Before he could answer, I turned into a wolf and ran out of Phoenix Drop crying my eyes out, not looking back. I regret ever coming to this village.

A/N Wow,Larence realy hates North's guts inorder to do something like that. But anyways, thanks guys for reading. And can I just say, I HAVE ALMOST 40 PEOPLE READING MY BOOK!!!! Thank you guys for everything. It realy means a lot to me. I can't believe it. Ahhhhhh! Ok, yeah I think I got it all out. Bye guys. PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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