Fire to the rain

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A/N: Writing the chapter...............AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

          It's one of those nights where you wake up from nothing. Where you try to go back to sleep, but fail and give up. looking at the ceiling wondering about life. Not because of a nightmare, but because you fail to believe something when, deep down inside, you know it's true. Well, that is were I'm was about 1:30 am when I woke up. Now it's 2:00 am. I have been awake for 30 minutes trying to fall back asleep. I kept on replaying the vision I had back in O'khasas in my mind. Where Garroth, Autumn, and Laurence stood. A conversation I wasn't supposed to hear.

~{Flash Back}~

     "I hope North is ok." Laurence quietly said as he, Garroth, and Autumn walked through the shadows in side the O'khasas wall. They were wondering through the corridors inside of the castle. dodging guards as they went.

     "The plan will work, and we will get North back too." Garroth said with confidence. also making sure that the guards don't hear them.

     Laurence sighed. "This plan better work or I will never forgive myself." They were half way to where the balconies in the main room.

     "Calm down Laurence," Autumn said, reassuring Laurence, "And since when did you care for North's well being?" She wonder, razing her voice a bit. Laurence looked around if any guards heard her, turned around and lowered his head.

     "Look, this is my fault North ran away. That she got captured. And now she is being held prisoner against her will. I'm the one to told her to die. I'm the one that exposed her past without thinking about the consequences, without thinking about how she'd feel about it. without thinking about......her. If I wasn't such a jerk, we wouldn't be in this mess. And North would be back in her house safe and sound." Laurence looked down. He tried to hold back his tears, but failed and one of them rolled down his cheek.

     Autumn spoke first. "What are you trying to say, Laurence?" Laurence slowly lifted up his head and said three simple words.......

     "I love her."

~{End Of Flash Back}~

          Looking back on this, I wondered if he really meant it, or he just felt sorry for me. My mind is trying to come up with a logical solution, while my heart believes something else. Does he really love me, my heart would say. There's a chance, but it's highly unlikely, my mind would reason. I shook the thoughts and got out of bed.

          Seeing that I couldn't go back to sleep, I walked onto my balcony and looked around to see if any of the guards are patrolling near my house. Luckily, there were none. Perfect. I thought to myself. I jumped off my balcony, it was only a couple of feet, and landed with a soft thud that no one could hear. I shifted into my doggy self and ran. Since I'm white, my fur anyways, I would be spotted in plain site, so I stayed near the walls of buildings in the shadows. I was lucky that the moon was behind some clouds. I stayed close to the main path, around the main guard tower, and jumped of a little hill where the docks were

          I shifted back to my human self and felt the sand between my toes. I walk onto the docks and sat down on the edge. looking at the moon that was reveled, I singed, softly, My most favorite song.

~Fire to the Rain~

There's a side to you

That I never knew, never knew

All the things you say

They were never true, never true

All the games, we play

You would always win, always win

So I set fire to the rain

Watch it pour as I tough your face

Well it  burned while I cried

'Cause I heard it screaming out your name,

your name

          I stopped singing cause I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Dante. Dante was always there for me when I felt down since I moved here. I considered him as a brother to me.

     "Dante" I said cheerfully, "You heard the whole thing, didn't you?" I didn't really care if he heard me or not, I was just curious. He nodded.

     "Yey," He replied, "North why are you out here? It's 2:00 in the morning." Dante asked. I rolled my eyes and gave him a smile.

     "I should be asking you the same thing, Dante." I responded

     "I'm patrolling, it's my job. But that doesn't explain why your out here. Tell me what's bothering you." He said, concerningly. I looked back to the ocean, where the silver moon is reflecting in the water, as the waves softly role onto the sand.

          I started to explain. "Back when I was captured, I was looking into the future. The day where Aphmau, Autumn, Garroth, and Laurence came to take me back. I heard a conversation that I wasn't suppose to hear." I stopped to look back at Dante. He nodded his head to continue, and I did. I looked back to the ocean.

     "I heard" I closed my eyes waiting for a response.

     "who?" was all Dante said.

     "Laurence." was all I said.

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