Chapter 22

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It's been three weeks, three fucking weeks.

I don't see Blaze at school, well sometimes I do see him but usually it's only for a second. He won't even glance at me and he doesn't even show up for french class anymore.

He's going to fail because of me.. I honestly doubt he cares though. Or maybe he switched classes. I had no idea.

"You okay? You've been acting different lately." Kayla noted, as she leaned against the locker that was next to mine. I only shrugged my shoulders and fished around my locker for my pencil case. 

Fuck my life, I can't find it. Just my luck of course. Things just didn't want to go my way.

I finally found it, buried underneath a couple of text books. I sighed and shut my locker and then turned around, but when I did I instantly regretted it.

I saw Blaze, but the thing was he wasn't alone. He was with some completely fake plastic barbie. She had a tight corset on which made her tits look huge. And she was glowing orange, someone tans way too much. And he had his arms around her waist.

I felt sick to my stomach. I honestly shouldn't care this much.

I quickly turned around, "Let's go to class." I said to Kayla.

She looked up at the clock that was on the wall, "We still have like five minutes.." 

"Please." I begged and began walking, with or without her. I honestly didn't care if she was behind me or not, I needed to get away from Blaze.

"What's wrong, Vanessa?" I heard from behind me. It was Kayla, I could tell she was worried and concerned.

"Nothing." I lied, but I knew she didn't believe me. But I didn't care, I didn't want to see Blaze with some God damn plastic doll.

"Vanessa, what's the answer?" I looked up and stared at my teacher blankly.

"I don't know." I mumbled and looked out the window. I just wanted to go home and sleep. He sighed and shook his head before moving along and asking someone else.

I saw Kayla give me a look, but I ignored it. I didn't care. Lately I honestly didn't care about anything.

Fuck my life, fuck school, fuck Blaze and fuck that stupid slut he was with.

At the beginning of lunch when I was putting my binders away I saw Jordan walking towards me, but Kayla pulled him back. I knew they were talking about me, probably saying that I've been acting weird lately. Of course I've been acting weird. Blaze speak to me, hell, he won't even look at me.

"Hey Vanessa." Jordan said, engulfing me in a hug.

"Hi." I said softly, I didn't even want him touching me.

I'm a terrible girlfriend.

"What's wrong, babe?" He asked, kissing the side of my head.

I shook my head and heard him sigh. But he backed off anyways.

"I'm gonna go talk to Frankie." I said to Jordan and Kayla after we finished eating, they nodded their heads and I got up.

I found him in his usual spot, The Pit.

"Vanessa! Long time no see!" He said with a huge smile on his face, but once he saw I wasn't happy his smile was compltely wiped off of his face.

"What's wrong, V?"

"Blaze won't fucking talk to me, Frankie! He won't even look at me! It's fucking killing me, and I don't know what to do." I sighed, placing my face in my hands.

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