Chapter 2

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    “Are you okay?” Kayla asked me.

    “Yeah, I'm fine.” I gave her a reassuring smile.

    “I'm so tired.” My voice was mumbled because I was resting my head on my arms, which were rested on my desk.

    “I think we all are.” Kayla said, she was glancing around the classroom in boredom.

    I hated school, unless I was learning a subject that I actually liked.

    Most of the teachers at my school were old and grumpy, if you didn't finish your homework or if you arrived to class a minute late you'd get lectured.

    “You're okay, after last night, right?” I swear Kayla asked me this around a thousand times.

    “Yeah, I'm perfectly fine, some guy came and helped me out.”

    “Okay, I'm just making sure, because like if I was in your position I think I would be like traumatized.”

    I raised my head and gave Kayla a little smile. I was happy that she was worried about me because that just meant that she cared about me, but I didn't want her to stress about it. It wasn't a big deal since nothing happened, sure I'm gonna be paranoid walking around at night now but that's expected.

    I dropped my head back down onto my arms and yawned. I really need to start going to bed earlier.

    “Blaze Valo, please report to the office, Blaze Valo.” I perked up when I heard that name.

    Blaze.. That name sounded so familiar.

    I instantly remembered last night, that creepy guy that tried to rape me said the other guys name was Blaze.

    “Sir.” I said, and raised my hand in the air.

    “Yes, Vanessa?” He asked, looking up from whatever he was reading on his desk.

    “Can I go to the washroom?” My teacher didn't say anything he only nodded his head and quickly returned back to reading.

    I quickly excited the room, trying to look casual.

    Now to find Blaze, how am I suppose to know which guy in the office is Blaze? It was dark last night I could hardly see him.

    I made my way to the main office, looking around for any other person heading there.

    I groaned when I saw many students in there already.

    Why are so many people in there? Because they got caught skipping? Like holy shit people.

    “Can you move?” I heard a harsh voice say from behind me.

    I felt my face flush up, I didn't notice I was standing in front of the door.

    “Sorry.” I mumbled and moved out of the way.

    I quickly glanced at the person that said it and saw an emo looking guy standing in front of me. Wait, he looks extremely familiar. I did a double take on the guy, maybe he is Blaze.

    “Hey, wait. Are you Blaze?” I asked, the guy looked caught off guard.

    “Um, depends. You gonna send your boyfriend after me for doing something that I probably didn't do?” I stared at him.

    “No..?” I said slowly.

    “Okay, yeah, I'm Blaze.”

    Well that's a relief, I didn't make a fool out of myself in front of some random person.

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