Chapter 12

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    I sighed, and watched as a fog of my warm breath was in front of me. I rubbed my hands on my arms, it was freezing out.

    "Can you hurry, Frankie?" I asked.

    "Yeah, one second. I haven't done this in a while." He said, while picking the lock of the car.

    I rolled my eyes, and continued to shiver. These nights are really getting colder. Where did all the warm weather go to?

    I heard a click and looked at Frankie, "I'm in." He whispered and opened the door.

    "And why are we doing this exactly?" I asked, opening the passenger door that was now unlocked.

    He shrugged, and then grinned at me, "I thought you could have a little fun."

    While he was starting up the car, I looked around at the interior.

    "Who's car is this anyways?" I asked.

    "Some football player. Rob or Rick.. Something like that. All I know is that his name starts with a R." He replied, slamming on the gas pedal which caused me to jump a little. I definitely wasn't used to this.

    We were clearly going far past the speed limit. I stared out the window, watching the colours flash by me. Sur it was fun, going joyriding, and not needing to worry about paying for gas, but I wasn't in the best mood. I just wanted to be at home, curled up in my bed.


    I looked up at Frankie and felt something get thrown into my lap. I looked down in confusion and saw my sketch pad.

    "How did you?" I wondered how he managed to get my sketch book, he shrugged at me and gave me a wink. I smiled at him and grabbed a pencil out of the side of the book.

    I tapped the pencil on the paper and looked out the window, trying to think of something that I could sketch.

    Finally, I came up with the perfect idea of what to sketch and let my hands do the work. Occasionally I could feel Frankie look over to watch me, but it didn't bother me. I don't know how long it took me to finish my sketch, but I made sure that it looked perfect. Adding shading where it needed to be.

    "Let me see it, you've been working on it for hours." Frankie said, glancing at me.

    I bit my lip as I felt my face blush, he's been driving around for hours? I didn't even notice.

    "Uh, it's really bad." I lied quickly.

    "I doubt something that you've drawn is bad, Vanessa." He said, rolling his eyes and holding his hand out for the book.

    "No, really Frankie." I begged him, feeling my heart speed up.

    Instantly the car came to a screech and came to a stop, in the middle of the road. I stared at Frankie with my eyes wide, he can't just stop in the middle of the road!

    Frankie was now postioned in his seat so that he was looking at me.

    "I'm not moving until I see it." He said.

    "Cars are going to come." I warned him.

    He shrugged his shoulders and stared intently at me, "I always see your sketches one way or another, Vanessa."

    I was about to protest but my sketch pad was taken out of my hands and Frankie was looking at my new sketch.

    "Is that?" He started, but I grabbed the book back and felt my cheeks burn. Frankie didn't ask anymore questions, instead he turned the car back on and began driving.

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