Chapter 9

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   "I was just joking, Kayla." I repeated for about the hundreth time. I was now sitting on the couch with my legs sprawled out while Kayla was sitting with her legs crossed on the ground staring at me. About ten minutes ago she made the guys leave so we could have a girl talk, don't even ask.

    "But do you like him?" She asked.

    I shook my head and rolled my eyes, "No, I do not like Blaze. He annoys the crap out of me. Like his personality, he thinks that he is the shit, but he really isn't. And he thinks he is so pro at speaking French." I ranted.

    "You talk about him, a lot." I narrowed my eyes at her.

    "Don't you dare."

    "I'm just saying, V. It kinda sounds like you like him."

    I threw the kleenex box that was near me at her, "Don't you ever say that again." I said sternly.

    "You make it sound like I'm telling you that you're going to die." She rolled her eyes.

    "Saying I like him is like telling me that I'm gonna die." I defended myself.

    "You're impossible." She muttered.

    "Guys! You can come back in!" She shouted, and Trevor and Jordan entered the room.

    "How was your girl talk?" Trevor asked.


    "It went well."

    Well, my ass.

    Before I could retort my phone vibrated.

    'Maybe I want it to happen to you ;)'

    I opened my mouth wide, Blaze is such a rude kid. Even though I know that he doesn't actually want me to die in a ditch, but still.

    'You're getting smacked tomorrow :) just wait'

    I heard a grunt and looked over at Jordan, "Still texting your lover?"

    "Get laid." I said with a smile.

    "I'm sure you'll fuck me." He snapped back with a smile on his face.

    My mouth dropped, "What's that suppose to mean?!" I hissed.

    "Well, let's be honest. I bet if Blaze or Frankie asked you to fuck them, you would."

    I instantly shot my hand up and slapped Jordan across the face.

    "Don't ever fucking talk to me again." I said, walking up the stairs.

    "That was fucking dry, Jordan. How much of an ass are you?!" I heard Kayla shout, but I just kept walking. Fuck Blaze dying in a toilet, Jordan should. He's such an asshole. How could he actually say that?

    I got out of Kayla's house and just started walking, I didn't even care that I was going into the more dangerous part of town.

    If someone felt like pissing me off right now they would literally die, I was not in the mood. He's suppose to be my best friend, he isn't suppose to say something like that to me.

    I kept walking until I saw something that looked like a park.

    I walked into it and walked around for around ten minutes before I saw a bunch of bushes. I pushed them out of my way a little and saw a beautiful area, there was a pond and it was secluded.

    Now this was somewhere that I could just relax and think.

    I sat down and leant against a tree and stared out at the water, I wonder if other people know about this place.

    It would be a shame if they didn't.

    I wish I brought my sketch pad and a pencil, I wouldn't mind sketching out this place.

    I shivered a bit, it was getting a little cold but I honestly didn't want to leave this place.

    I was also getting tired though, and I didn't want to fall asleep here. I might get raped or something.

    So, I got up and quickly made my way home, praying that a creep wouldn't come near me, and thankfully one didn't.

    When I got home, I made my way to my room and plopped down on my bed, falling into a deep slumber.

    My eyes fluttered open in the morning, thank god there was no school today. I really didn't want to have to see Jordan. I still can't believe that he actually said that to me.

    I took a quick shower and let my hair dry wavy, I applied a very little amount of makeup on since I wasn't planning on hanging out with anyone today. I changed into a pair of grey skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a hot pink hoodie.

    I tied up my converse, and looked around my room for some pencils. Finally when I found a couple I grabbed my sketch pad and ran downstairs.

    "I'm going out." I shouted to my parents and walked back to the area I was at last night. I wasn't completely sure how to get there again, so it took me a while to figure it out, but eventually I made it there.

    I was completely oblivious to the fact that I didn't even bother to eat before I left, I'm an idiot.

    I sat down and leant against the tree again and began to sketch the whole area, everything had to look perfect. I'm sure that I was sitting there for hours, perfecting everything. I didn't mind though, I had nothing better to do.

    I sure as hell wasn't going to go to Kayla's and see Jordan. Fucking asshole.

    Before I knew it, it was getting dark and my stomach was growling. I added the finishing touches and smiled at my work, it looked wonderful. Well, to me at least.

    I froze when I heard footsteps, now I defiantly didn't feel safe. I decided to stay perfectly still and pray that the person didn't notice me.

    I saw a figure walk close to the water and crouch down, I decided now was my chance to leave without being noticed. I quickly stood up and was ready to leave, but the figure turned around sharply, "Who's there?"

    I froze, I was officially caught.

    "Uhm, my name's Vanessa." I said slowly, feeling my heart pounding in my chest.

    "Vanessa?" I then noticed that the voice sounded extremely familiar.

    "Blaze? I laughed in relief, "Why are you here?" I asked.

    He shrugged, "I like coming here, it's relaxing." He said sheepishly.

    "What's that?" He asked, looking at my sketch.

    I felt a blush leak onto my cheeks, "Uhm, I drew this place, because it's really nice." I said, scratching the back of my neck. No one knew that I liked to sketch, well besides Kayla and Frankie.

    I always thought sketching was for losers, that's why I didn't tell anyone that I loved sketching. Lame, I know.

    "It's nice." He noted, and I nodded my head.

    "Thanks." I replied awkwardly.

    "Gay baby." I eventually muttered.

    "What the fuck? Blaze asked me, looking at me in alarm.

    I began to laugh, "Whenever there's an awkward silence a gay baby is born." I explained.

    "Are you serious?" He asked.

    I shook my head, with a smile on my face, "No you idiot, it's just a saying to break the silence."

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