Chapter 7

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    "Vanessa." I heard my teacher say and I looked up at him.

    "Yeah?" I asked, quickly slidding my phone into my pocket.

    "Read the paragraph." I stared down at the french words in front of me. I can't pronounce a french word, everyone knows that, especially this stupid teacher.

    "Samedi dernier, ma meilleure amie et moi faisions du cheval dans la forêt. Il faisait-" I was cut off because the classroom door was slammed open.

    "Mr. Valo, why are you here?" My teacher asked, clearing irritated by Blaze's interuption.

    "The other teacher doesn't like me, she told me to come in here. Oh, and she swore at me in french." I rolled my eyes, he would be smirking about that.

    My teacher shook his head and sighed, "Sit there." He said, pointing to a seat.

    Blaze casually walked over there and sat in the desk.

    "Now start over, Vanessa." I groaned, no only can I not pronounce french but now I have to make a fool out of myself in front of Blaze. A hot guy, how embarressing.

    "Sir, I don't want to read." I muttered.

    "Come on, Vanessa. You never read." He said, sternly.

    "But sir! I can't read, I can't pronounce anything!" I complained.

    "This will be perfect practice then." He smiled at me.

    I scowled, what a jackass. He just wants me to make a fool out of myself.

    Sir looked down at his text book and I flipped him the bird before starting all over.

    "Samedi dernier, ma meilleure amie et moi faisions du cheval dans la forêt. Il faisait très beau et le ciel était bleu. Nous étions en train de marcher quand mon cheval est tombé à l'eau! Can I stop now?" I whined, feeling my face burning because I knew my pronunciation sucked.

    "Fine." Sir sighed and called upon someone else to finish reading.

    I saw a note land on my desk, and I looked around the room. Who threw this at me? I saw Blaze watching me and decided that it was most likely him. I quickly grabbed it and opened it.

    'You can't pronounce worth shit.'

    I glared at Blaze, before writing a response.

    'Fine, you read if you're so great at it.'

    I made sure that sir wasn't looking, when I threw the note back at Blaze.

    He smirked at me before raising his hand.

    Sir looked at Blaze in surprise, but nodded his head for Blaze to speak.

    "Can I read the last paragraph?" He asked.

    My teacher seemed even more surprised now, but nodded his head nonetheless.

    I snorted, Blaze was definitely going to make a fool out of himself, he's probably failing french.

    "J'ai eu peur et j'ai appelé Mary à l'aide, mais elle n'a pas su quoi faire. Le cheval a finalement réussi à sortir de l'eau et là, j'ai su que tout allait bien." I bit my lip before turning to look at Blaze is surprise, he pronounced everything perfectly and sounded like he was actually from France. He could probably speak just as good as the teacher.

    "That was a great job, Mr. Valo. But if you can read so well, how come you're failing french?" I smirked, so he is failing french.

    Blaze just shrugged at sir, but then he looked at me and winked. But he also had that stupid smirk on his face.

    The bell rang and I quickly grabbed my shit and walked over to Blaze.

    "You speak french fluently, don't you?" I sighed, narrowing my eyes at him.

    He laughed, "Obviously. Didn't you hear me? I pronounced everything perfectly." Wow, he isn't cocky or anything like that.

    "What.. Uhm, background are you?" I asked.

    "Finnish." He replied, walking out of the classroom but I decided to follow him. If he's Finnish why does he speak French fluently?

    "You're from Finland?" I asked.

    I loved Finland, because that is where the band HIM was from.

    He nodded his head.

    "So you have heard of the band HIM?" I asked.

    "Of course, I go to Finland every summer." He shrugged, "Why do you like them?" He asked.

    I nodded my head, "Are you kidding me? I fucking love them!" I squealed.

    "Everything good comes from Finland." He winked. I rolled my eyes at him, he is so freaking cocky. But I was actually having a decent conversation with him, for once.

    "Vanessa!" I heard someone shout my name and I stopped, but I noticed that Blaze did as well.

    I saw Kayla standing outside of a classroom with Trevor beside her, she was giving me a 'get your ass over here' look.

    "Uhm, I better go. I'll see you around." I said quickly, and ran towards Kayla.

    "You're talking to him now? I thought you hated him." She said, in a harsh tone.

    I knew why she was upset about me talking to him, obviously because of Jordan, otherwise she probably wouldn't even care if I hung out with Blaze or not.

    "No, we were just talking about french, he got moved into my french class." I lied, well it wasn't a complete lie. Techincally he did get moved into my french class.

    "Oh, okay then." Her voice lightened.

    Damn Jordan, now my bestfriend is getting mad at me because of you.

    "Lets go get some lunch." Kayla said, as she threw everything in her locker, and I literally mean threw it in.

    "Hey Jordan." Kayla said as she sat down beside him and I silently groaned.

    Great, now I have to eat lunch with him. This is going to be extremely awkward.

    "Jordan," I sighed, I might as well get this over with, "I'm not dating Blaze."

    Kayla and Trevor were deep in a conversation with their other friends, so they weren't paying any attention to me and Jordan.

    "So, you just kiss random guys then? He asked, skeptically. Well, this is going to be harder than I thought it would be.

    "It wasn't like that! He kissed me." I defended myself.

    "It didn't look like you were pushing him away." He snapped at me, and I noticed Kayla look away from her friends and watch us with wide eyes.

    "Are you being serious right now? Why the fuck are you being so jealous for? You don't own me, you're not my boyfriend, I can kiss whoever I want!" I snapped.

    From the corner of my eyes I noticed that Trevor was now watching us, with his eyebrows raised in surprise.

    "Well maybe, just maybe, I like you. And I don't like you sucking off other guy's faces." I felt my eyes widen, Jordan likes me? Since when? I never expected him to say something like that, I mean I've been best friends with him forever. And he isn't suppose to like me that way.

    "You like me?" I gulped.

    "Uh yeah, sorta." He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

    I felt my heart race, what a I suppose to do now?

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