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*So I changed the picture of Roquelle. Still trying to figure out the perfect person to play her*

Friday morning
-No one-

"I said I'm fine, Roquelle." Justin said as he limped and cringed as he tried to move his body from Roquelle's grasp.

"Justin, you're not. Now stop making this so difficult." Roquelle said placing one hand on Justin's chest and the other around his waist to help him up the stairs.

"Where's Tiana?" He asked all of a sudden. "She's at school, remember?"

Justin nodded his head.

"I just need you to rest for now, just so you can stop moving around your muscles. You're just making things worse, Justin."

He rolled his eyes but nonetheless, didn't put up a fight anymore. Roquelle carefully helped him sit and lay down. She helped take off the cast on his foot and arm so he could relax more while in his bed.

"Please rest, I'll be closely by if you need anything." Roquelle said giving him a small smile before leaving.

Justin waited until he heard retreating footsteps before chuckling. "Now if only she could admit that she's in love with me.." He smirked.

As Roquelle was walking around the same floor Justin was in, her phone began to ring. She saw that it was Pattie calling her. Roquelle remembered how they both were catching up and they gave each other their numbers.

It was odd getting a call from her though when they haven't talked in a while. "Pattie." Roquelle smiled.

"Oh Roquelle, how are you?"
"I'm just fine. You?"
"Doing well, aside from the fact that my son got into a car accident and I'm still wondering how he is."
Roquelle chuckled. "Dont worry, pattie. Justin is doing just fine. I'm actually here making sure he follows doctor's orders."

"He won't tell me anything!"
"He most likely hadn't because he's afraid how you'd take the news. He didn't even want Tiana to find out."

"You know him even better than I do." Pattie chuckled. Roquelle felt the heat on her cheeks.

"Yeah well,"
"Speaking of Tiana, how is my darling? I miss her so much."
"She's just fine. She's currently at school."

"I can't wait to visit again. I wanted to come as soon as I heard what happened to my son but I couldn't."
"I can't either and Tiana can't as well."

"I thought so haha, can you please let me talk to Justin? I've tried to get through to him on his phone but it seems that's his phone isn't working." Pattie said.

"Oh about that, it was destroyed by the accident."

"Rocky please don't put destroyed and accident in the same sentence again." Pattie said worried.

"Yes ma'am." Roquelle smiled.

The door then opened again and Roquelle came in. "Your mother would like to speak with you." She handed her phone to Justin and left once again.

"Justin how are you?!"
Justin winced and pulled the phone away from his ear. "I'm okay.."
"Are you hurt, do you still feel pain? If you're wondering-"
"Mom, mom, mom, I am fine."

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