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*mama got a taste lol*

No one

"Tiana wake up, baby. I made breakfast." Roquelle said opening the pink curtains in Tiana's room.

Tiana opened one eye and sighed. She noticed that her mother was in a good mood.

"Okay...but isn't that Harold's job?"

"I'm doing him a favor, now wake up. Your dad's downstairs too." Roquelle said patting Tiana's back before proceeding to leave her room.

At the mention of her dad, Tiana quickly jumped out of bed. "I'm coming mom!" Tiana yelled going into her bathroom.


Tiana watched her parents from the staircase, eating and laughing and joking with eachother. Tiana was very very happy that they were all in the same place, having a good time, and acting as a family.

She would stay up there and spy on them some more, but she was hungry and didn't want to miss out.

She wondered what happened last night.

Tiana also noticed Justin appeared better than he was yesterday. He seemed in better condition.

She came downstairs and greeted her parents. "Goooooood morninggggggggggggg" Tiana sang and kissed her dad on the cheek. She jogged to her mom and kissed her on the cheek too.

"Someone's in a good mood." Justin commented on Tiana's behavior. "We all are."

"See?" Justin mouthed to Roquelle. Whenever Tiana saw them interacting, she was happier. Roquelle nodded her head.

"So dad, are you feeling better?"

"A little sore, but better than before." Justin glanced at Roquelle.

"And it's alllllllll thanks to mom. Good job, mom." Tiana said to her Mother.

"It was no problem." Roquelle smiled.

After breakfast, the three of them just chilled in the living room talking to each other.


-2 weeks later-

"That's good to hear." Landon chuckled, smiling afterwards as Roquelle continued her talking.

He looked at the bouquet of roses he was holding in his other hand. Roquelle will love these..

He then had a nervous smile and cleared his throat. "U-um Roquelle?"

"Yes, Landon?" Roquelle said as she descended the long flight of stairs in Justin's house.

She just finished dressing up to go out with Tiana and Justin.

"I was wondering if maybe tonight you and I could go-"

Roquelle cringed. "Um.."

Landon cringed as well. He knew what was coming. "Yes, babe?" He bit his lip afterwards.

Roquelle sighed. "You know I don't mean to disappoint you." She said on the last step. "But Tiana, her dad, are going somewhere tonight and-"

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