Chapter 3

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Hehe hi guys. Here's another chapter. Enjoy!

Important note: this book is not Religious. I know my other book is based around Islam but this book is just a fun one. You can imagine them however you like. Just telling you guys so you don't get confused.

And remember! Book is copyrighted. Any distribution of this book or coping without my official consent is illegal!! 

I walked into the company and made my way to the CEOs office to meet the rich delinquent that I'll be dealing with for this time.

I knocked and then was welcomed in by the president himself. As I walked closer to his office I saw a young man sitting in his seat looking bored.

They both were conversing but as soon as I made my entrance they both sat up looking up at me.

The younger guy spoke up. "We expected someone else.." He trailed on.

Oh really now?

"I'm sorry Ms. Amira we expected someone older. Oh well I hope you do your best. Please do sit as I explain to you what kind of animal my son is." He ushered me to the chair next to the man who was just speaking. I'm guessing that man is his secretary.

His father just accepted me really quickly after looking at my file and determining how well I do my work. We also conversed about the job and everything was basically crystal clear! He has a lazy stubborn rich son.

But Whatever problem I can handle it, his son will no problem. These rich people problems are too much sometimes.

I begin to stand up and shake their hands after waiting a while. His son didn't even show up. I know what we need to work on pronto : punctuality.

Then all of sudden the doors flew open and the company's president sighed. "Last minute again?!" He glared at what I'm assuming is his son since the both have the same bright green eye, dark black hair, and sharp jaw. He had a tall frame and a slightly built figure. He had on a leather jacket, white shirt and ripped jeans with sneakers.

Really? I was at least expecting a work outfit and it's not here either.

"The prince had to do something important. But non the less I'm here." He flashed his father a dazzling smile but his father was very angry. This guy was too much.

He then turned to look at me. "I'm guessing you're my new secretary?" He then winked at me.

I forced a smile. "More like a personal trainer for that attitude."

His father and the secretary gawked and looked at me as this handsome mans face fell. I laughed in my head, not so charming now Prince?

His father shot out a finger at me. "I like her!" He shouted.


After we introduced each other and everyone sat down around the table, we began discussing how everything would work and what times it's appropriate for me to work. Since I won't be his full secretary just like a trainer.

Zack stood up again to protest. He thinks it's too much time that I'm taking from his day. Because he has so many important things to do.

Oh please how many times have I heard that before.

After the mini meeting was done it was time for Zach to introduce me to the company. I hated this because the company was pretty big and I had on high heels. I always wear heels but for some reason these weren't comfortable now and I'm pretty sure Zack knew this because he dragged me through the whole company. Showing me all the bits and crannies of this place! He's crazy!

I kept my cool and didn't let him get the satisfaction of this situation even though I wanted to punch the sky smirk right off his face.

"Mr. Zach, I have seen this before. Thank you for the tour but I think we are done." I forcibly smiled. My feet ached and I'm pretty sure now was the time to head home.

"Oh but Ms. Amira I have more to show you! I don't want my special trainer to get lost." He patted me hard on my shoulder and forced a smile back.

"No. That's impossible! I won't get lost, I'm pretty good now. Goodbye." I began speed walking away from him as soon as I finished my speech.

He sped walked after me calling my name. He's saying he wants to show me the beautiful view but I could tell from his devilish smile he's only playing around.

I declined and left home finally getting into the bath and relaxing. This man actually no he doesn't deserve to be called a man! More like a little kid, no! A baby!

I finally changed and started thinking of a plan.

Game on mamas boy. 

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