Chapter 12

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Guys. I'm sorry I know that my updates are getting slower and I apologize. It's just I have a busy college schedule. Being a full time student is a pain! Any students here? Woohoo!

Tanks y'all!

Now back to Zach and Amira.



"And you know what she said?" I pulled at my hair. "She said 'no thanks'!" I cringed as I ranted about what had happened just now.

Amira declined my offer to fix her phone and just decided it would come out of my paycheck. As if I get paid by my dad.Oh and she's still going to that heinous date with Charles.

I should fire that asshat.

Maher sighed as he plunged down on his couch. "So let me get this straight." He paused. "You ran all the way here to tell me about some girl who refused to go out with you?"

I bit my lip. "Well when you say it like that you make it sound stupid."

Maher nodded. "I'm glad you realized that."

I glared at him. "It's not stupid! It just Ive been getting these weird feeling around her. She's so mean but my heart beats faster when she's near." I looked at my sweaty palms and shoved them in front of Maher. "Look!"

Maher pushed me away and rolled his eyes. "You're in love." He patted my back. "I didn't think this would happen." He whispered to himself.

I gasped. "What!" I slapped my hands over my mouth. "Gross." I muffled. I'm not in love. I would never be. I shook my head. "Nope."

Maher shrugged. "It's scary right?"

I shook my head. "It's not scary because I'm not in love."

Maher scoffed. "Okay if that will get you to sleep in your onesie at night."

I narrowed my eyes. "I don't do that." I folded my arms.



I was getting ready for my date with Charles. Well that's if you can even call it that. I feel bad because he probibly tried to call me but my phone is shattered.

The good news is I do know where we will meet up.

I finished the outfit with black velvet pointed high heels. Tonight's outfit was a white fitting short dress and a leather coat over it. I loved the edginess it brought to my sophisticated outfit. I let my hair fall in wavy loose curls and adjusted my bangs.

As I got into the taxi, I double checked my purse and then told the taxi guy where the restaurant was. I'm not gonna lie. I was very nervous about this date because even though me and Charles work together, I didn't really know him.

But I was also a little bit excited. I hoped to at least get a good experience.


When I finally arrived at the restaurant I wiped my palms on the dress hoping to get rid of the slight uneasiness in my body. I breathed. I really haven't been on a date in such a long time. Or even dressed up for a guy.

I stepped into the warm restaurant and the romantic mood was quickly set. This place used soft yellow lights and had beautiful crystal center pieces on the draped white tables. It definitely looked expensive. The middle aged waitress asked me where was I to be seated and I explained I was here to see someone. I gave her the name and she checked her list.

She then nodded, smiled, and led me to Charles. We walked through many other couples who also out with their partner. It was cute expect for the other younger couples who were on their phones the whole entire time. I shook my head at them as I passed their zombie state.

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