Chapter 14

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I'm earlier than usual!

Someone throw an award at me.


Zach looked at me, I was sure he was shocked. He then reached for the nearest trash can and threw up.

It wasn't a pretty sight but I too was surprised that Zach had a fiancee. But judging by his actions, it seemed like he didn't know either.


Zach burst into his dad's office after recovering from the shock. I had to follow behind Zach said I needed to "back him up" as if we were going to all fight.

I swear Zach was so dramatic. From the way I see it, it all seems like a misunderstanding.

"Dad," Zach said firmly, "what do you mean I'm engaged?"

Zach's dad looked up from his pile of paperwork. He didn't seem fazed at all. "You're going to meet her and you're going to marry." His dad said calmly.

Zach almost flipped out and I too was also feeling uneasy. I mean how could he just say tat . It was weird to force someone to marry another. "No I'm not." He gritted.

I was actaully surprised  at Zach's maturaty at this point. It was like a saw a new part of him.

His dad glared at him. "Fine, but you two are going on a date." He said firmly. "You will not fail at your social status too." He added.

Zach was annoyed, I could tell. He just rubbed his hair furiously. "Whatever." He mumbled and walked past me. I heard the door shut behind me and I had winced because I thought he was going to slam it, yet he just calmly closed it and left.

His dad looked up at me. "Look after him."

I nodded and zoomed after Zach.


Getting Zach to focus on anything was hard. Now that he's worried about his martial status, it's ten times as difficult.

"I'm tired. I feel like sleeping. Goodbye." Zach sighed, got up, and began leaving his office.

I grab the collar of his fancy suit and nudge him backwards. I didn't come here in these killer heels to deal with this little kid who was older than me. "No Zach. We are going to finish this up."

Zach huffed. "I'm too handsome for this shit." He whispered under his breath.

Zach then turned and glared at me, Eyes narrowing. I felt a little scared but I glared back. We kept glaring at each other until he sighed and averted his eyes. He strode to his chair and sat down, crossing his hands on the table. "What is there more to do Mrs. Uptight and Boring?"

I'm going to kill him.

I breathed. A big breath.

"How about we finish that project I am getting paid to do." I said.

Zach groaned and spun around his chair. "Kill me." He pleaded. He then pointed to his chest. "Like right here." He slapped his right pec. "In the heart."

I pinched my nose. "Your heart is on the left side."

Zach looked at me. "What?" He then shook his head. "I'm worse than I thought I was!"

I rolled my eyes. "You'll be fine." I walked closer to him. "I mean it can't be that bad. All you have to do is meet the girl and see if you like her."

Zach glared at me. "Look at you miss perfect! You don't know how difficult it is. You've never been forced on a date."

"I wish. I always end up with the wrong person." I shrugged and plotted down on the chair in front of him.

Zach's eyes lit up. "How about we double date!"

I looked at him skeptically. "What? That's so absurd." I laughed it off but Zach seemed like he was serious. "Don't te-"

"I have a friend of mine, he's single as a Pringle and pretty miserable too. I think you two would match and help me out." Zach perked up. "Plus all the women I dated hate when I bring company so it's a win win!"

I eyed him. "So you're saying we double date so it will ruin your chances of dating her."

Zach snapped his fingers. "Bingo."

"But what about me? I mean the guy you're bringing is going to be in on it?" I asked, curious.

"Of course!" He waved me off. "It's not like you guys are going to like each other. I just need to use you two as props! Plus you het a really nice dinner."

I saw how excited he was that he found a way to ruin his dad's plans that I was actually excited to be a part of it. I wanted to go for the hell of it. "Okay sounds good. But if I get fired, you're paying for the rest of my bills till I die."

Zach rolled his eyes. "And everyone thinks I'm extreme."



"Terry!" I banged on the door again. "Terryyyy." I sang loudly but stopped as soon as he opened the door to his flat.

"What?!" He was leaning over the door lazily, hair disheveled, and a stained Tshirt.

But don't let that fool you because this guy owned a big great company with his father. It was very successful, like ours.

"I need your help." I wedged my foot in the door but terry tried to shut the door.

Terry shook his head. "No no." He stepped back. "Last time you said that, I ended up bald."

I sighed. "I thought we decided to let that go."

"No. You decided to let that go!" He pointed. "I had to wear a hat everywhere I went!"

"But your hairs back." I said happily but he was still grim. "It looks.. luscious?" I searched my head for a better word but came up blank.

"What do you want?" Terry said in a dull voice. Terry was extremely handsome even though it pains me to say that about my cousin. He was like a brother to me so it was weird to call him beautiful even though he was.

He is a little bit taller than me with better hair.

That's why when I got jealous, I got him bald.

I guess you could say I'm the definition of petty.

Although to me, it's called being smart.

"Okay listen. I need you to accompany me on a date. I found a girl for you!" I tied to sound happy and enthusiastic even though the thought of him act silly dating Amira made me gag.

Terry sighed. "You sound exactly like Mom."

I choked. "You're right. Dammit." I cleared my thought. "Anyways! I'll send you the address." I said as I began to walk away. I needed to get back to the company before they realize I ditched the last meeting.

"Who said I was coming!" He called after me.

"If you don't, I'll tell that story." I warned and his face dropped.

"I hate you!"



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