Chapter 15

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Despite the date being a phony one, I got dressed up for the part anyways. I wore a tight longline light pink dress which complemented my skin tone very well. I then transformed my usually straight hair and did soft curls. Put on more makeup than I usually do and pulled out the expensive heels that I splurged on with my first paycheck. I finished up the whole look with dainty gold jewelry.

I didn't exactly know who Zach was bringing because he was definitely full of surprises. Despite that, I still wanted to look nice just in case this guy is actually worth it. My dating life is nonexistent so this wouldn't hurt.

My mom has basically been pleading with me to find a man. She's always talking about how I might end up forever alone. I laughed at her words but something inside me did stir. A fear built up that what she is saying might actually come true.

I pushed that out of my mind as I revived a text from Zach saying he was already at the restaurant with everyone else. I quickly grabbed my black leather jacket off the hanger along with my small handbag and ran out the door. Despite mg heels being extremely difficult to walk in, I ran anyways. I'd like to believe I was a pro at walking in heels even though some night I end up with blisters.

I got out of the apartment complex and waited for my taxi. Something told me today was going to be an interesting night.


The restaurant that I arrived at was defiantly not something I could afford to go to myself. Even the waiters won't let you in unless you with someone or unless you had booked.

I told them Zachs first and last name and then they led me to the table. I was admittedly nervous because I was actually going on a date with someone.

The kind waitress pointed at where the rest were and left with a smile. I thanked her and proceeded walking to where Zach was sitting. He sat next to a beautiful Asian girl across from a man who I presumed to be my "date".

I walked up and smiled. "Hello." They suddenly all looked up at me at once. It was overwhelming seeing them all stare at me.

Zach was actually drinking water but when he saw me his eyes blushed out and he didn't swallow correctly which led him to start choking. The Asian girl
Beside him immediately gave me a dirty look.

My smile quickly faltered and I just sat next to the handsome tall Asian guy Zach had brought. He seemed super nice and quickly turned to introduce himself. "Hey I'm Terry. I'm actually Zachs cousin." I looked over at Zach in surprise and he was still figuring out how to breath correctly again. I rolled my eyes and put my focus back on Terry. "It's nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled. "My name is Amira."

Terry nodded and turned to Zach. "You okay?" I guess he finally took notice that Zach was nearly dying by the awful coughing noticed he was making.

Zach sent him an icy glare. "I'm fine." He cleared his throat. "Who wants to order?" I noticed that Zach took the extra mile to look good today. He had on a well fitted sleek black suit and his hair was combed back stylishly.

We all agreed to and the Zach called the waitress over to order.

My eyes almost bulged out at the beautiful delicious food that was brought to us. It tasted so good that I accidentally forgot what Terry was saying about himself.

However we did talk a lot and he was very funny. I laughed a lot of the stories he told about Zach as Zach sent him deadly glares. Unfortunately Zachs date Jenny wasn't having it. It seemed that her Rich and proper ass couldn't handle a few dirty jokes.

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