Chapter 10

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After completing most of my food Zac had the audacity to ask for dessert. I curled my toes in anger when he said this.

"Well looks like I didn't make any." I shrug.

Zach's eyes lit up. "Let's go grab some!"

He grabbed my hand and began dragging me out of the apartment. "Where are we going?!" I cried.

"Ice cream shop." He smiled and grabbed my coat off my hanger and threw it on my face.

I frown. "In the winter?"

He stopped. "Alright then what would you like instead?" He asked.

I scratted my head. "I don't know but I ce cream seems odd." I reply.

"You're odd." Zach murmured lightly.

"I heard that."

"Come one lets go. I'm bored and my best friend is having girl problems." He said as he tugged me out the door.

I put on my jacket and followed him down the apartment complex and out to his car. I quickly got in because it was freezing and I was wearing shorts.

He had a really nice car compared to mine. "Where do you plan to go eat ice cream?" I asked finally.

"Well there is a shop nearby but I've never tried it." He said.

"Okay well let's see if it's good." I just really wanted to get this day over with.

We finally get there and park his car in the filled up parking lot. I look up at the fancy architecture of the building and it was quite fancy. As soon as I walked in, the sweet aroma hit me hard and I was addicted. My inner kid came out and I became giddy about what flavor I would choose.

The ice cream shop was actually a large cafe that had beautiful glass walls and a deep rich wooden floor. The tables were rounded brown marble matched with their own cute chairs. It looked so sleek and cute at the same time.

When I got to the choosing of the flavors I couldn't do it. The labels of the ice creams was so witty and some Ive never even seen before. I looked up at Zach. "What are you getting?" I ask.

"Whatever you're choosing." He said.

"Well I don't know what to choose." I reply, eyebrows creased. I was a little frustrated.

"Me either." He said cooly. I hated Zach right now because he was making me indecisive. I hated being indecisive.

"Okay how about Tangy Orange?" I say to Zach after reading the label.

"Sour." He replied quickly.


"I mean it says tangy. Doesn't that mean sour?" He looked at me, confused.

"Yes." I reply stiffly. I forgot I was with Zach for a moment.

Zach then surprised me when he said. "I'll take a scoop of each."

I breathed so sharply that I started coughing. The lady who was behind the ice cream bar face was so shocked and worried. She was probably wondering how she'll package 23 flavors of ice cream and where were they going to fit. But she did it anyways and we went home carrying 23 flavors of ice cream to the car.

The lady was nice enough to separate them all by cups. So each scoop had its own cup and I wanted to throw them at Zach for doing this.

"Zach you're crazy! Why in the world would you do this to us?" The ice cream bags were actually heavy and I was carrying half. Zach had the other half.

"Well we were both indecisive so this is better! Oh I'm sorry did you have a better plan Miss Perfect?" He argued.

"Yes! Just pick one!"

"No." He shot his perfect nose up. "That's boring."

"Yeah well my arms hurt." I tried to come up with a good come back but I struggled.

"The car is literally right there Princess." He spoke, his voice was drenched in annoyance.

We finally get to the car and I tell him to speed it up because the ice cream is going to melt.

"Wow you're such a bad influence on me outside of work." He teased.

I didn't smile. "Well ice cream is important."

He gripped the wheel tighter. "Oh and I'm not?"

"I never said you weren't." I laughed because where in the world does he get these conclusions from?

We get back to the apartment complex and we rush through the lobby carrying bags of ice cream. Everyone gave us weird looks like we were crazy. Well Zach was, I wasn't.

We get on the elevator and finally reach  my room. I take out the ice cream from their bags and put them in the freezer. Of course they didn't all fit and my and Zach argued again for the tenth time until we agreed we'd eat some and that should save up some room.  

I took the strawberry one and Zach took coffee flavor and we tried each other's. "This was worth it." Zach said proudly after taking a bite.

I rolled my eyes and took some from his cup. The ice cream quickly melted into Coffee flavored goodness. It tasted so creamy like drinking think cold coffee if that makes any sense.

"This ice cream was worth it." I finally say and Zach smiles widely showcasing his white neat pearls.  We high five each other and I get up to put on a show for us to watch as we devour the ice cream.

"How about CSI?" I say as I flip through the channels. Zach's face shriveled.

"Do you want me to throw up? " He said. Oh yeah I forgot Zach was horrible with blood or anything that had to do with death.

"No. That ice cream was too expensive." I felt proud of my witty reply.

Zach rolled his eyes. "You're so cringy."


After finally kicking out Zach last night, I woke up with a headache in the morning. Like a hungover headache. I haven't had one in years since I didn't like the taste of alcohol.

I felt horrible.

I stumbled to the bath room and barely could take a shower. It felt like an accomplishment when I finally got out of the bath room clothed and hair brushed.

I go the kitchen for something to drink because my head felt like it would soon explode. I was going to try everything I knew about hangover cures and put it all into one.

Just as I was going to start my phone started to ring. I covered my ears because even hearing that hurt.

I quickly reach over the counter and answer. "Hello?" I say groggily.

"Amira." Zach's voice was terrible. It sounded like he had been dragged across the highway and back.


"Oh god you sound like shit." He honestly had the nerve to say this while he sounded beaten up.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"There was alcohol in the ice cream. That's why we feel like this."

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