Chapter 4

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I threw a thick folder down on Zach's desk. "This is what you need to review and remember. Also I had told your father that you are going to present the new project for this company."

Zach looked very displeased with the huge folder. He poked it. "I don't think so." He pushed it at me.

That got me super irritated. "Uh yes so!" Okay that was a horrible comeback.

"Nope I'm horrible with presentations especially with dads eyes shooting at me like lasers!" He squinted his eyes and shook his head.

"Listen We will pretend that I'm your father and we will practice. Its all going to be okay." I explained calmly even though I was about to explode.

Zach narrowed his eyes at me and looked me up and down. "I don't know.."

"There is no "I don't know" you're going to do it!" I made a fist.

He thought about it for a long minute and stroked his non existent beard. After a while he finally answered. "Nah."

My anger shot through the roof. I slammed my hand on his table. "You're going to be a man and you're going to go in there and do the presentation!"

Zach flinched and his eyes widened. "Damn it woman!"


Throughout the presentation of his father I paid attention to what Zach was doing. Of course he wouldn't know what to say because he was doodling!

Since I was sitting next to him I peeked over and he caught me before I could see anything. He covered his paper with his arms. "What do you want?" He stuck his chin at me.

"Stop doodling! Give me your pencil." I whispered at him. I reached to grab it but he yanked it away.

"Tsk tsk tsk." He wagged his finger. "No can do weakling."

I kicked him under the chair and he doubled over. Since his father was close to done with his presentation, I smiled at Zach sweetly. "It's your turn to present."

He sulked up to where the projector was and he cleared his throat. Everyone became surprised and whispers filled the room. I guess he hasn't presented in a while huh?

He noticed everyone and he didn't seem to like it. "What? You haven't seen a beautiful man present before?" He scoffed.

I face planted. Hard.

However he recovered from the annoying comment after beginning his talk. He talked about the new partnering between this company and a part of another industry.

He was doing okay but we need to work on his way of giving presentations because I almost fell asleep. And his father seemed pleased- well I couldn't really tell, he looked more annoyed. His usual face.

After it all finished he walked back and the meeting was over. As everyone was walking out Zach's father came towards us. "You need to practice more. Next time I better see improvement!" He yelled at his son and I thought I did a terrible job until he surprised me by giving me a secret proud thumbs up before existing the room.


We got in the elevator and I looked up at Zach. "Wasn't that easy?"

He glared at me. "Easy for you to say, I almost threw up."

I kept my self from doubling over laughing but I held my professional stand. "It's okay we need to just work on it a little more."

Zach began laughing. "Work on it?" Laugh again. "Little more?" He then suddenly went into poker face mode. "No."



The way she talks it's so annoying and how she bosses me around! Who does she think she is?

I was so angry about today. I don't know how she made me cave in and do the stupid presentation. I messed it up and got close to getting a long lecture from my dad.

She thinks she's all that doesn't she? Doesn't she!

I threw a pillow at the wall. It's okay she's just a challenge and I love challenges.

Soon she will be begging me to fire her. I laughed at the thought.

Never doing a speech again if she's there. I felt so annoyed and ready to destroy her.


Amira POV:

I cleaned up the whole apartment and suddenly I got a call from my parents. They were just the best. I loved them so much.

My father is hardworking restaurant  owner and my mother helps him. Its not like it's the best of the best in the city but I love them so much that I don't even care about money.

They raised me to rely in myself and get stuff done. I loved my childhood and they were very loving. I work to please them and send them money whenever I can from these expensive jobs.

I finished talking to them and headed out to go pick up some groceries.

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