Chapter 21

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Hey guys! It's been a little while but I got a chapter up for you guys! Thank you so much for always supporting!

Please vote for this chapter as well! I am hoping to reach 100k reads before I finish it.

Happy reading!
I didn't know what else to do except swallow my pride and go home.

"Thank you for visiting!" The waiter yelled after me and I didn't bother to turn around. My feelings weren't in the correct place and I just needed to get out of here.


Seeing Zach was going to be awkward because of what I knew and saw. I didn't know how to be around him. I don't know how'd he'd be around me either.

I took a deep breath before knocking on his office door.

"Come In." Zach's voice spoke and it was confirmed he was here.

"Hi." I weirdly say. I didn't know why I said hi. I usually barge right in and he usually has his legs on the counter reading mags.

But not today.

He was busy reading over a thick packet of paperwork I knew I sent to him yesterday when he was absent. His brows were furrowed and he didn't really pay any attention to me.

I felt the air shift in the office. It wasn't really playful anymore. It was more of a restricted environment. How it should have been in the beginning.

I walked closer to his desk. "Well I came to give you copies of the new contract to look at them."

Without looking at me at all, he spoke. "I already reviewed them. They look good. Send them my approval."

My mouth dropped but I quickly closed and cleared my mouth. "Okay." I say and look around. My heart sank when I realized there was not much to do anyways. "I'll take my leave." I announce and Zach, that idiot, doesn't even say a single phrase.

I felt my heart sink further in my chest.

I quickly straightened my posture and walked out of the door. I guess it was useless being here. Might as well go get coffee.

While I was there, I met up with one of the interns and she was very lovely to speak to. Then another intern came over. He was male with gorgeous green eyes. I haven't really seen him around but he had a baby face and looked maybe a year younger than me.

I thought he was coming to talk about work but he ended up flirting the whole time.

I honestly thought he was cute. His name was Hector and he was Hispanic. I told him about my background as well and we got along easily.

Then suddenly Zach and his team passed right by us. While doing so I noticed Zach's famous glare centered right at Hectors head. His mouth twitched as he tried to keep calm but I had no idea what was bothering him.

"Hey I got to go." I quickly get up and start to throw away all the food. I had to be at the meeting with Zach to take notes.

"Okay." Hector nodded. "Tomorrow same thing?" He asked and I looked at him surprised.

"Sure?" I say not really actually sure.

Hector smiled and then left as I quickly met up with Zach who was speeding through the building like a maniac.


As soon as work ended, I didn't bother to wait for Zach like I usually did.

I just blazed right out of the building.

But while doing so, something stopped me right in my tracks.

It was Zach's new love interest.

She was exquisite and looked almost unreal. She too was Asian and had on a beautiful fur coat with short skirt and loose blouse. Her hair was in waves and pinned back.

She sported a hot pink lip, fair dewy skin, and shiny jewelry.

I instantly regretted seeing her because then Zach appeared to meet up with her. She quickly, as if she'd known him the longest time, jumped into his arms. "Zachy!" She squealed and I felt my jaw clench slightly.

Zach, who was facing me from a distance, hugged her back. As he did, he suddenly looked up into my eyes as his smile disappeared. His eyes dug into me like knifes.

Was he seeing that I was unhappy and unbelievably uncomfortable with him and this new rich girl? Did he forget everything he's so far said to me? Was I that easy?

The thoughts began to only hurt the more me and Zach looked at each other's eyes so I decided to quickly break the intense eye contact.

I quickly and effortlessly made it past them and out the large building.


I woke up with three missed calls from Tyler.

I sighed as I checked his voice messages. He wanted me back even after I explained to him that I didn't want a relationship with him when we had gone out to coffee a while ago.

I hadn't seen him since. Tyler was not my love interest anymore. I knew I had to be honest with my feelings and couldn't force myself to like Tyler again. I realized all my butterflies only happened near Zach.


I don't know what made him do a 360 degree turn on me. After teasing me forever he just decided to get another woman! Had I been too easy then?

I sighed heavily as I got ready for work. It seemed really boring now since Zach was basically acting like he should have been from the beginning.


I figured out her name was Nina.

The girl who was Zach's new love interest.

Her father ran a powerful company in China and is duplicating his success here. I also found out that Zach's dad and her dad are actually good friends and go way back.

I felt my heart sink when I also found pictures of Zach and her at various restaurants and shops. Its unbelievable how good they looked together. Like two models.

It really bothered me but I managed to quickly click out of google before Zach's nosy secretary popped back into my desk.

As I thought about it, I really couldn't do much now. I was kind of to blame for what happened between me and Zach. Maybe I did play a little too hard to get and got comfortable with the idea that he was interested in me.

I hit my forehead a couple of times wondering how could I have been so stupid and also wondering how did I let myself get to the point of liking that idiot!

"Hey Amira?" Hectors voice disrupted my thoughts.

I quickly looked up. "Yeah?"

"Are you going for lunch?" He asked me and I quickly remembered I agreed yesterday to have lunch with him.

"Yeah , I'm coming." I get up and collect all my stuff.

While I was doing so, I looked up to see Zach glaring at me with a couple feet away with a cup of coffee in his hand. His eyes narrowed slightly and his jaw tightened. To say the least, he was clearly unhappy about something.

Something sinister passed over his eyes and then he came right over. "Amira." He demanded.

I didn't bother looking up at him. "What?" I replied as I finished packing the papers back into my bag.

"You can't go out for lunch."

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