Chapter 7

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Enjoy! please leave feedback!

Also a little note: these characters (Amira and Zach) aren't  Muslim in my book. (Yes girls can have Arabic names and not be Muslim and can be Arab too). If you want you can imagine them as that but for me I'm putting them as such. I'm putting this out just so if there is touching between them or anything the haram police can back off the charge lol. Thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book!

Thank yoouuuu!!!!


Zach's father had a meeting with him and all I heard was yelling because I was told not to go in. I cringed as his dad shouted.

Zach apparently had messed up the meeting and the other company was now just thinking they might not want to sponsor this one.

After that Zack finally came out looking rather calm. He eyed me up and down and then straightened his posture and walked away. "Hurry up Secretary, I'm hungry." He called back.

I sighed. I thought he was going to do better and not be lazy but of course I forgot who I was dealing with. Zach.

I ran after him and once I caught up, I spoke up. "so what's the next plan."

He sighed. "Do another interview blah blah work blah blah stuff." He said lazily.


He flinched. "God woman."

"You have to get your files ready again and try to schedule another interview with them. In order for you to clean up the mess you made you even have to do more." I stated.

"Another interview? Oh god." He drooped his head down. He then looked up at me. "That guy was so boring I almost fell asleep. I'll die if I have to do another interview or meeting."

"Well you have to."I stated firmly.

"I won't woman!" He shouted while speed walking away.

Zach did the interview.

And no he didn't die.


God I'm so mean. I thought to myself. I was now sitting down at my desk watching him do his stupid victory dance.

"See! I'm like thee best! I did it! He accepted my offer." He spun and suddenly stopped. He then winked at my boring expression. He then smoothed out his shirt. "From now on I'm going to be professional!"

I looked at him, there was hope! He was changing! I began to smile.

"Instead of cotton candy Ice cream I'll get "professional" simple chocolate. Like adults. And this time no cone." He claimed proudly.

I almost slammed my head into the table.

"Zach I'm leaving." I looked at my watch. My time was up with him and thank god I didn't have to stay extra. I'd go crazy if I had extra time with him.

"Thank god." He said under his breath but I heard it clearly.

I looked at him. "What did you say?" I gritted.

He quickly looked up at me. "Huh? Whaaa?" He nervously laughed. "Nothin."

I made my way up to him an grabbed his tie. His eyes widened. I grabbed the adjusting knot and slid it up. I tightened it up just a little more before looking evilly up at him. "It seemed a little loose."

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