Chapter 2

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I opened the door to see my big headed brother. My jaw dropped in shock.

"Monaaaa!!!!!!!!!!' Harry said, well more like yelled making me death in one ear

"Harry-kins" I yelled to harry, his face then softened to a frown

"why do you always have to call me that?'he said

"why do you always call me mona?"I replied

'touché styles"

I then just realize the other boys were there, they was laughing their butts off. Me and Harry just stayed there waiting for them. Oh did i mention this was the first time i ever meet them. Good first impression boys.

"Oh im sorry, about that you guys are funny though" Zayn said.

"Its ok but by the way my name is Simone" he gave me a hug

"My name is Zayn" he said in a thick bradford accent

"I know" zayn was then pushed out of the way by louis

" Hello my name is louis the sass master from Doncaster" louis said instantly cracking me up. gosh this boy is funny

"Hi my name is Simone, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTACE CALL ME MONA" I said loud so all the boys could here me espicially HARRY

'Ok" all the boys said in unison except HARRY i gave him a death glare

"love you baby sis!!'he shouted. After that i greeted all the other boys.

"Simone who is that" Damia said.

"Mi-Mi come down stairs " I said. Everyone was confused to who that was except Harry his eyes widened. You see the thing with Harry and Damia is that they used to date but Harry kind of cheated on her and well she was heartbroken, she never forgave him but you could tell that she loved him, she just didnt know if she could trust him.I turned around to see her running down the stairs

-----Damia's POV--------

I ran down the stairs. What could she possbily want.

"Yes sim-" i stop in mid sentence when i seen Harry memories started flowing back


It was our five month anniversary. Oh how I love him he is the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. Earlier today we decided to go to a club tonight. I was wearing a tight black dress and gold pumps. My hair was left naturally culy i didnt have time to tame it. Harry was down stairs waitin. Everything turned out to be good at the club well we couldnt drink yet because we wasnt old enough but he bought fake id's i didnt want one so i was sobre the whole night. We was dancing and then he said he had to go to the bathroom i nodded and then he left. It had been ten minutes so i decide to go check on him, and there it was he was fluffing snogging another girl.


My smile turned into a frown ,my eyes began to water, my knees began to shake. I couldnt believe this i couldnt believe was right here right now. I cant do this.

"Um I'm gonna go now Simone see you later" she nodded

I ran as fast as i could ignoring Harry calls. I had to get away from him.

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