Chapter One

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Wonder, beauty, mystery, death. Vibrance, adventure, cacophony... Death.

The noise is too much. Deafening me, sending me into a panic. I can't hold on to anything, every bit of peace and sanity I find slips through my fingertips as rage drives me further down. I can feel claws around my throat blocking any sound, willing my vocal chords to close shut. My eyes are wide open in fear as I cannot find the ground-only pitch black beneath me.

I keep falling.

My body is in utter panic, every muscle in my being tense, tightening around what little air I can find. Butterflies erupted in my stomach once more and I gasped for air. Just one breath of pure air, please. I begged to the little voice inside my head. Just something to calm me.

I heard a terrible laughter echo through the never ending rabbit hole, throwing me into a wall and making me plummet further down-face up. Frightening green eyes stared down at me with a wicked smile in them. The laughter would not end and the air around me grew cold.

"Welcome to Wonderland, my sweet."

May 28, 8:30am

They sat at table twenty-two in a 50's diner located in Lowell, Massachusetts. Two coffees sat untouched on the white lament table and a silver laptop sat opened and alive in front of a long shabby haired man. Across from him at the opposite side of the table his older brother, Dean, was resting his head on his arms.

"Hey, Dean," Sam started. "You remember the story Alice in Wonderland?" A small snore came from his side of the table. "Dean!" He said again.

"Huh-what?" He stuttered, shooting straight up in his seat. "What is it, Sammy?" Dean took a swig of his now cold coffee and made a sour face at it.

"Alice in Wonderland, remember it?"

"Yeah, Sammy, I remember it why?"

"Have you ever heard the version of Alice being a murderer because of the influence of the Mad Hatter?" Dean thought for a second, brow furrowed.

"No, actually, I haven't." Sam focused on the computer screen for a couple seconds. "What is it, Sammy?"

"I found this website that has an interesting story about Alice... It says that the movies and books about Alice Kingsleigh are inaccurate."

"Inaccurate how?"

"Well, he says, rather convincingly, when Alice fell down the rabbit hole and into Wonderland that instead of it being a happy experience the Hatter, along with many of the creatures, tortured her and drove her mad which is why it's a 'forbidden' place."

"Dude, you don't actually believe that do you? Alice and Wonderland aren't real, it's just a children's story."

Sam shrugged. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to check out."

"What makes you think there'll be anything to check out? Have you found something that could back this claim up?"

"Well..." Sam hesitated. Dean chuckled.

"If you find something we'll check it out. If not, it's just folklore, Sammy."

"Well, he's got a convincing story Dean. I mean, it's not the first fairy tale we've seen to turn out to be true. And you've got to admit, this account, should this story be true, is the most likely... A place like that to be completely happy and perfect," Sam shook his long brown hair and crinkled his nose. "I don't think so-and this side of the story makes sense."

"You've got a point, but I don't see this going anywhere. Until we find someone who claims to see a girl with blonde hair in a blue dress, then I'll give it a little more thought." Sam watched his screen intensely, lips forming silent words as he read something on the computer. "What is it?" Dean inquired.

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