Chapter Four

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June 1, 8:00pm

Thick crimson gore slowly trailed down the pale stone wall, dripping into a fly-riddled pool at their feet. Maggots gnawed on the dying flesh of a man whose eyes hung open and staring into blackness. The dull room stunk with the odor of death and Jack's stomach churned. Sam and Dean slowly made their way to the far side of the room, weapons raised. She clutched her stomach and felt her knees shake.

"Not long dead..." Sam muttered. "Looks like he was stabbed to death." Dean holstered his gun and took a step forward. She watched them study the poor man as though they saw this every day. Her hands trembled. She took a deep breath.

"Throat was cut open too," he marveled. Jack let her knees give and she fell hard on the cold concrete floor. Her head spun. She sunk into the fatal position, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Whoa, whoa. Take a few deep breaths, Jack." Sam knelt by her and placed a hand on her back. "I think she's seen enough, Dean." Dean took a few steps towards the door when suddenly he was thrown off his feet and smacked into the wall next to the corpse.

He groaned.

Sam was on his feet instantly. The taser was thrown from his hand and he fell hard on his back. The air in the room grew colder and Jack stiffened. Slowly she sat up and looked around the room. Sam moaned and rolled onto his side. A chill whisper rushed past Jack, she was on her feet in seconds and pulling at the door when she too was thrown across the room. Her shoulder crashed into the wall and she slid to her bum, the wind knocked out her chest.

Sam was now up and moving, scrambling for Dean's gun but it was hopeless for either men. Like a game of Whack-A-Mole one went up, the other fell down. All the while each weapon they had getting pushed farther away from them. Jack watched in a daze from the floor still unable to fully catch her breath.


With a sickening crunch followed by a string of screamed curses Dean fell to the floor in a heap and for the first time Jack caught sight of what was attacking them. She couldn't see his face but just the sight of this large creature sent a chill down her entire being she could not shake. Sam stumbled toward the beast but it disappeared as he came on top of it. Before Jack could warn him the large creature, drenched in sweat and eyes burning red, stretched out a long, thin arm and hit Sam from behind. He landed on top of Dean, strength waning.

She looked back and forth between the men and this...thing. Dean stirred, awakening from the unconsciousness of the injury he sustained. The beast trampled forward, Dean rolled out of the way into the puddle of blood below the man on the wall. She could hear him whisper, "gross," as he unsteadily made it to his feet, beast on his tail.

"Jack," Dean called. The beast slashed his back. "grab the gun!" The creature now turned his attention to Jack as though he understood what she had just been ordered. She scrambled backwards as it took a step toward her and brushed by a cold metal object.

Calm down, girl. She tried to reassure herself. It's not real. Monsters aren't real. Latching on to the object with one hand, she braced herself with the other one.

It growled at her. It's eyes staring deep into the inner most depths of her mind. She could've sworn she saw a smirk form on his lips as her right arm raised slowly and shaking with fear. Dean jumped onto the beasts back, further angering it and it threw him eight feet. He slammed into the door.

Boom. With a cloud of smoke and ashes the creature disappeared before her eyes. She dropped the gun, eyes wide in shock. Dean slowly stood up relying heavily on the wall to support him. Sam rolled onto his feet, his long hair caked in blood.

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