Chapter Eight

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June 7, 12:00am

Michael rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he tiredly stared at the old mansion in front of him. The windows were dark and the air was oddly silent. He looked at the taser in his hand and wondered what the heck he was doing. The only reason he was still here was because of his sister. He looked over his shoulder at Jack; she was talking with Sam and Dean. He saw the way she looked hopefully at them, her eyes piercing right through their tough boy facades. He'd never seen her believe in something so...fully. It was like Jack believed with her whole heart that this stupid hunt would bring answers to the many questions he saw bottled up behind those shy eyes. So he entertained her hopes secretly wishing it to be true himself. Maybe then, she would finally tell him the truth about their parents. He always knew she was lying he just didn't know how to ask for the truth whenever he saw the pain behind her eyes, the pain he saw in her eyes when that weird crack-job showed up and brought up that night again-he was still trying to determine if that was a dream or not.

Michael pocketed the taser-he had silently thanked himself for refusing the gun Dean offered when he accidentally pulled the trigger and tased a tree. He snuck another look at the mansion and felt a shiver run down his spine. Something about that place made his stomach churn; a feeling he couldn't ignore. Prying his eyes away from the building he made his way to Jack, making just in time to hear the end of the conversation.

"What are we doing?" He asked.

"Waiting them out. We're going to trap them before they can trap us." His sister replied.

"Sounds...logical." Jack raised her eyebrow at him and smiled. He couldn't pretend to know what on earth they were doing and Jack just laughed at his ignorance.

"Basically just stay out of harms way, little Mikey." He mockingly scowled at Jack then strode into the mansion after the brothers. Just stepping into the foyer felt like they entered a meat locker.

"A bit chilly isn't it," Mike rubbed his hands together and pulled his old hand-me-down jacket closer to his body.

"That normally happens. Most of these creature don't belong here in the living world so when they're around the air gets colder."

"I guess that makes sense." They made their way up the stairs and carefully approached the door to the concrete room. Two voices came from the other side one, a young girl and the other, a man. The four shared a collective glance at each other, then the door as Dean turned the knob and it swung open on its hinges. There they stood, Alice and the Hatter, normal in appearance but very, very twisted in the mind.

Michael stared down the green orbs of the Hatter, frozen to the rotting beams below his feet. Sam and Dean walked into the room and surrounded them. Jack not far behind and curious, always curious.

The little girl started to laugh, showing her yellowing teeth. Her porcelain skin crumbling and cracking with each movement as she stepped closer to Jack.

"I want to show you something." She said reaching her bloody fingers to Jack.

"What do want me to see?" She tentatively took a step away from the girl, right hand wrapped securely around the gun and trigger. Alice dropped her hand and stared at Jack. Slowly she turned and locked eyes with Mike.

"I want to show you a trick," she said returning her gaze to Jack. "it's called, death." A sick grin twisted her lips and Jack, Sam and Dean were thrown from their feet and into the wall. Before Jack could cry out in pain at the horrifying power pressing her to the cement, the weapons they all had carried clattered to the floor, and as she looked up she found her brother on the opposite wall, bound with a thick rope at wrists.

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