Chapter Five

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The laughter stuck with me the longest. It was like his secret weapon he pulled on me every time I tried my escape. If I even thought about it, there he was in the back of my mind just laughing away until I screamed for him to stop. And then I'd see them...those horrible eyes that tore at my flesh. Whenever those emerald orbs looked at me I felt my entire being just crumbling like ash, my screams could barely be heard over the chanting that ensued.

"Off with the pretty pale head!"

The Hatter was supposed to be my friend. He said I could I trust him. I helped him. I fed him. I drank his tea. Now I keep on falling. Deeper and deeper into a pit of never ending torture. I closed my eyes feeling my body be put back together, piece by piece. Fiery hot fingers burned my porcelain skin as I was tapped together so poorly I couldn't recognize myself.

Is it possible to be torn down and built back up so many times in so many ways that you can forget who you really are? I'm lost in my insanity, falling hard into a person I don't want to be.

I keep falling.

June 2, 10:35am

"Journalist, Jonathan Taylor, reports a never before seen side to the classic tale, Alice in Wonderland. Is Wonderland not as happy as Lewis Carroll initially made it out to be? Did the Hatter really like Alice or was he actually a creature of hate and malice? Taylor says, "I come from a very long line of history and my family tree actually dates back to my great-great-great grandmother marrying a man who's name was Kingsleigh."

Somehow reading crap stories on the Internet became Dean's job. He didn't remember ever agreeing to it and yet, here he sat, every case, every hotel, reading stories on the web...and occasionally porn. Something to clear the mind of the weirdness he through everyday.

"Jonathan continues, 'After finding this out I looked through some old photo albums and dug through my attack. Tucked away in the far corner of my attack was a chest, a chest full of letters addressed to a curious man - My Dearest Monster. I read a few of the letters and soon found out they were signed Alice Kingsleigh - my great-great-great grandmothers daughter."

Dean sighed and took a pull of his beer. The doorknob jiggled. Sam's lean frame stepped through, nose buried in a book.

"How's the research comin'?" Dean asked.

"You're the one doing the research, I'm the one re-reading Alice in Wonderland." He said with his eyes still focused on the children's book tucked nicely in his large hands. "So, how's your research coming?"

"Boring. But that's always how it goes."

"No porn to ease the pain?" He asked, dripping in sarcasm.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Research without porn is like me without pie." Sam sat down on his bed, oddly interested in the colorful book. "You know that book is for ages ten and under-"

"I'm almost done." Dean scoffed and took another long swig of his drink. Sam shut the book. "What have you found out on Taylor?"

"Guy's got a chest in his attack that supposedly has letters in it written by Alice. I gotta be honest here, Sammy..." he leaned forward in his chair. It moaned as he moved. "I'm not buying any of this."

"It's difficult to wrap your brain around, yeah, but it's not impossible."

He sighed. "What'a'ya say we check this guy's story out and decide how impossible it is later."

"Fine with me." Sam stood from the old bed. "Should we get Jack?"

"What, you like her or something?"

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