Chapter Seven

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June 6, 11:00pm

"It's been a day since we started this pathetic little save-the-world mission," Michael shouted. He and Dean stood barely a foot apart and nearly nose-to-nose. Which was quite amusing considering Dean had to stand as tall as he could to just barely see eye-to-chin. "and not one time have we found anything to prove your lunatic theory to be true!" They had been bantering for nearly an hour and a half now. It started it out with snarky comments then soon became a screaming match. Sam was beginning to think they all had had little sleep or too much alcohol or a mixture of both.

"Listen buddy," Dean raised to his toes making himself half an inch taller. "this 'lunatic theory' is only thing we got to go off right now. And if we don't figure something out, more people are gonna start dyin', and it might just be you next!" He shoved a drunk finger in Michael's chiseled face.

"Okay, guys, c'mon." Sam intervened before another threat could be made. "We've all had enough of this goose chase-believe me. The only reason I let either of you go on this long is because this has been the most entertaining thing to happen in the past few days."

Dean stepped forward, "Sammy-"

"Now that we've let off a little steam," he held up a nicely tanned hand. "let's get back to our priorities. There's a lot of things we don't know about what's going here and the only way we'll figure out how to stop it is if we figure out what it is. And we're not gonna do that if we keep blowing up at each other."

"Why are we even here with these guys?" Michael turned to his sister. "Do you really believe any of this?" Now all eyes rested on her. She sighed exasperated.

"At this point, I don't know, Mike!" Jack snapped. "I know that what I saw could only be explained by someone who knows anything about the supernatural world and clearly out of the four of us-they're the experts."

"And how in the world do you think what you saw was 'supernatural'?" Mike asked dryly.

"The way it moved was inhuman...way too fast, too strong." She rubbed her eyes feeling the effect of many sleepless nights kick in. "And then it was gone. Just like that." Mike scoffed and rolled his eyes. "It was a square, concrete room, Michael. The only door was the one that magically locked behind us just before that thing attacked." He crossed his arms and plopped into a chair finding himself incapable of a comeback, his jaw was set and nostrils flared.

The quartet of disarrays quietly stared at their own corner of a wall for several minutes, quietly thinking of their next plan of action. Jack caught Sam's eyes and she watched as they sparkled with an idea. She raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled.

"She's not dead."

"Huh?" Dean spun in his seat.

"That's been our dilemma, right? We're thinking she's dead but we don't know where her body is buried." Dean had a lost stare about him and Michael pretended not to care. Leaning forward in his chair, he directed his thoughts to Jack. "But she's not dead. Her father was a scientist and he made a drug that could send her to a world first through her dreams, then by mind. It's only logical to assume that-"

"The pills she found were for the next body. Hatter and his hat-his hat is the portal to Wonderland and the pills were the transportation." Jack finished.

"Exactly! So instead of dying like she thought she was going to do..."

"She went through the portal and straight to Wonderland; in the flesh."

"So instead of this being her ghost,"

"It's actually her somehow crossing back." Now both Sam and Jack were grinning ear to ear while their brothers sat dumb as a dog.

"And that thing that attacked us was the Hatter,"

"That makes sense. In one of her letters she described him as 'a creature from the earth' and that's pretty much what I saw."

"Okay, MacGiver's, what are you rambling on about?" Dean asked.

"Alice is somehow returning here to this world, and for whatever reason the Hatter is following her. I mean, why not, right? If you're specifically designed to torture one single person and that was all your programming'd do everything in your power to follow your target." Jack informed Dean, oddly enthusiastic.

"So are you geniuses saying you've found a way to kill Alice dearie and stop this thing?"

"Well for the most part Alice and the Hatter have already crossed over, they're just still trying to learn the ropes of it all," Sam started.

"So all we have to do is wait for them to show up again, kill them so they stop hurting each other and other people-"

"And burn the hat. If worse comes to worse, we just close the portal and they're stuck there."

"You two sure about this?"

"Not really, but it's the best we got." Sam ran a hand through his unkempt mane.

Dean stood and grabbed his duffle bag. "I'm in."

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