Chapter Six

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June 2, 11:20am

I sat awake in my bed as the rain pounded on my window. A high pitch shriek came from my lips when the thunder struck. I covered my mouth and stared out the window, my eyes wide with fear. Lightening flashed across the sky and I jumped out of bed, my little feet padding lightly across the hall. Past the bathroom, past the nursery and straight to my parents room. I burst through the door and jumped into the bed on my dads side. He stirred a little and wrapped his arms around me knowing full and well why I was there. I snuggled close to his chest and squeezed my eyes shut.

Then my baby brother started to cry. Mom rolled out of bed and checked on him. A few minutes of pure silence followed. My eyes became heavy and I slowly drifted into my dreams, my dad holding me close. I'll never forget my last few moments of pure peace.

A shrill cry echoed through the halls. My dad tumbled out of the bed and told me to stay there as he ran out to the nursery. It felt like only five seconds when I heard his scream. My brother started crying again and large flames licked at the hallway. I fell out of bed and ran as fast as I could to my brother's room. He was on the floor crying, flames surrounding him as they tore away at the walls.

I scooped him up and held him as tightly as my little seven year old hands could, frantically looking around for my mom and dad. Three drops of blood landed on my brothers cheek. Slowly my eyes drew upward to the ceiling.

"Hey, Jack." I heard my father say. "Jack."

She shot straight up in her seat, knocking a book off the table in her mad scramble. She looked up at Michael who sat next to her. His hand was on her shoulder. She watched his green eyes, he looked so much like dad.

"You okay, Jack?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah...I'm fine."

"I think you were having a dream..."

Her nerves spiked. "Why? What did I say?" She asked quickly.

"Nothing. Just something about mom and dad." She nodded slowly unaware she was holding her breath until a sigh escaped her lips. "And yellow eyes or something..." He muttered. She awkwardly laughed.

"How's the reading coming?" Dean said, coming in the room rather chipper. He held a Philly cheesesteak in his left hand and a beer in his right. Jack looked over at Sam who was out cold then snuck a look at her brother who eyed the beer in Dean's hand.

"Why don't you give it a try?"

"Nah, did that this morning. That's why we came here." Jack stood up and made her way to Dean.

"And that's why you're going to give me this," she took the Philly from his hand then pushed him toward the seat she had occupied. "sit there, and start reading some letters." Michael smirked. She always did have a way with things. Dean sighed and picked up a yellowing piece of paper. Jack watched his expression suddenly change.

"Dude...this stuff is creepy."

"I'll be honest," Mike cut in. "I never believed Taylor's story but these are-well, at least look-legit. I mean, maybe he was on to something."

"Are telling me you believe Alice and Wonderland are real?" Dean challenged.

"Well no. But maybe Alice Kingsleigh was real."

Jack sat down across from the boys. "What are you getting at, Mike?"

"What if..." He paused to go over what was running through his mind. "what if Jonathan Taylor just got his stories mixed up? Like, maybe there really was an Alice Kingsleigh but what if she wasn't the Alice from Wonderland. What if this monster she's talking about is really just that...and not a deranged version of the Hatter." He had a point. "I dunno...just an idea."

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